We have lost a great detailer today.......

Feb 17, 2014
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I just found out a friend of mine, and all of ours I'm sure, Todd Randich of Pure Shine in Issaquah Wa has passed.

I never got to actually meet him in person, just lots of phone talking and messaging. I was going to see home next week to learn about the tricks of applying CQUK for the first time.

Rest now Todd, we got this......

I just heard of this about an hour ago. Todd was a good friend although I had never met him in person. Let's uplift his friends and family in prayer during this difficult time.
I am deeply saddened to hear of this.
My condolences to Todd's family and friends.

It's always sad to hear someone pass away. My condolences go to the family and loved ones.
Wow. He's always been so helpful.

RIP Todd.
Damn. He will surely be missed. Thoughts go out to his family and friends RIP.
Prayers and condolences to Todd's family.

Spoke with Todd numerous times via pm about detailing, something he was very passionate about and something he was very good at.

I am just stunned hearing this very sad news.
This is very sad news... Condolences to Todd's family...
WOW! What happened? Anyone know.

This is just adding to my sadness. Yesterday I also lost a fellow Marine from my old Unit. Suicide.

I never got to talk or PM Todd but from his posts he seemed like a great guy! Soooooooooooooo sorry for his family in WA.
Pretty horrible news for someone to go so young and full of life.

Never be afraid too tell someone you love you them, you may never know when it will be the last chance to say so.

Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.

R.I.P. Todd
Always sad to lose one of our own. Condolences to his family.
This is so unexpected... We were just talking the other day.

My sincere condolences to his friends and family. He will be dearly missed.
Always tough hearing the news of someone special to so many,bless all known to him and family alike.
RIP buddy. Never met him in person, but spoke and text each other about detailing. Very sad news.
From what I know of him, one of the best detailers around. So sorry to hear this. Prayers sent for his family
So sorry to hear about this. When I first started, he was like an open book and would help me with anything possible.