PBL diamond paint coating vs diamond surface coating


New member
Dec 11, 2020
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Greetings everyone.

As the title suggests, I’m looking to see if anyone has some real world insight on the diamond paint coating vs. diamond surface coating.

Both claim a few years of durability (three?).

I have read the prep instructions on the Autogeek website; of course would be planning to machine correct the paint and do a chemical wipe down.

I guess my question is, if the diamond surface coating can do all surfaces and has the same durability, why or what would be the use of the diamond paint coating. I wonder is there a difference in the concentration of solids between the two products?

Might bite the bullet and install either one of the above two products or a “true “ceramic coating. I have previously posted pictures of my Audi after using NSPZ1. Overall had pretty good results but unfortunately was involved in an accident! Tens of thousands of $$$ later and the passenger side repainted/blended we are back in business. Quite ironic because just literally the day before the accident I had touched up a few rock chips with Dr. color chip and was going to post on the forum ha ha.

View attachment 73883

To be honest, no issues with the Z1 but like most people here I also like to try new things.

Thanks in advance.
I’m looking to see if anyone has some real world insight on the diamond paint coating vs. diamond surface coating.

I've used both recently and they are TOTALLY different products. I'm out of the Surface Coating in the garage and in my own personal use collection.

A few weeks ago I washed my own car and because I'm out of the SURFACE coating, I used the PAINT coating and it's a much more substantial coating. On paper that's a good thing but because I apply the Surface Coating often, I'm able to maintain the protection and water beading on my car and glass faster and easier - and that's what I prefer.

Normally if I'm doing a true paint correction, I will start with the Paint Coating as my base layer and the use Surface Coating over it.

Both are super easy to use.
