How many here are still using the Porter Cable DA?


May 18, 2013
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I know many have moved on to other machines such as Rupes and others have not.

I use it for two things:
1.) Applying sealant
2.) Cleaning my pads. I spray IPA on a pad, scrub it with a brush, hold a microfiber on it and turn it on at level 3 to remove the gunk.
I have 1 newer PC with a 4" BP that usually gets used on every car. I also have an older PC with a 6" BP that I use to apply sealants that gets used sometimes.

But if you are asking is it still my main polishing tool...No.
You better believe it!

I actually prefer the 1st gen versions. For some reason they seem to spin better at all speed settings than the XP.

I also have:
Flex 3401
Rupes Mini
Rupes Duetto

I like to start with my PC. If I can get the job done with that, then that is what I will use. It's super light weight, and super simple to use.

Add some great abrasives, and great pads and you're all set.
I have a 20+year-old PC that still works great. I'll replace it if it dies or if I find something it can't do. So far neither of those things have happened.
It's a work horse. Just used one today. I have a 3" backing plate and use 4" LC CCS pads for the tight and small areas. Today I had to redo a trunk on a 2019 Mustang GT CA Special that had some Cquartz UK high spots. I re-polished the trunk using the aforementioned config, along with some GG BOSS Correcting Cream. Worked like a champ.

As I was putting it away, I praised it's long service and how it's like a work-horse, then I saw this thread.

Every tool in the tool-box has it's place. :)
I use mine for some finish polishing and to apply LSPs. Basically every day!
I started with the PC, but bought a Griot's 6 out of curiosity. The Griot's is a really nice machine, but truth be told I could have just stuck with my PC for my needs. It always did the job I wanted it to do.

That said, I now use the PC as my 3" machine, and it excels in every way. Plus, it is nice to have the two machines and not have to constantly switch backing plates.
I like to use it on my mustang with all the dips & curves. I find the rupes a little hard to work with on the car. also works great on the plastic bumpers on the car and pickup. when it comes to the pickup the rupes is great. it helps to have a couple of DA polishers.
In a word...You bet your bippy I still use it!

(apologizes to "Laugh-In)

Yes, I still use my PC 7336! That thing's probably 20 years old now and is on it's 3rd power chord. Now, like other's have said...

It's not my primary machine. It was for maybe 3-4 years but I went to a rotary to cut time. I now use my Flex 3401 for most of the heavy lifting with occassional cut downs with my rotary.

I do use my PC for LSP applications and 3"-4" pad cut ins on small areas. The thing is a battleship and I haven't killed it yet!
I started with the Porter Cable 7424XP and while it is a good machine, I always wanted to up my game. I switched to the Griots GG6 and I must say that it is a better machine. It definitely has more power (850 W vs. 540 W) and I notice less vibration. I still love my Porter Cable and I have a 3" backing plate installed on it for smaller areas.
I have the Porter Cable 7424XP, but now that I'm getting better with correction, I'm going to pick up a Griot's 6 inch. I had planned to sell the 7424, but after reading this thread, I'm going to put a 3 inch plate on it and keep it.
I still use mine and I have a GG6 and a G15. Both the griots machines are far superior in power and feel, but I’ve converted mine to a PC3”. It works great for spot corrections, tight areas, glass and headlights, it’s a joy to just pick that up and go as opposed to worrying about changing the backing plate or trying to fit a 5.5 inch pad where it just won’t go.
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For fun, I decided to throw the white pad the PC comes with on and give it a shot on my cars hood. The lack of power with this 6 inch pad becomes noticeable where a GG6 would just keep going. Even using light pressure around speed 5-5.25, the pad would slow considerably or stop spinning altogether. It doesn’t feel as balanced as the GG6 either.
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I’m still very happy with my purchase of the PC and at 6 years old it’s still young and working great as a 3inch.
Anyone that doesn't shouldn't be near a car lol

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the only buffer i have(other than rotary). ive had it for 14 years now,still running strong, and helping make paint shine.
I still have mine and it is a good machine. Rarely use it anymore. It is a good machine but for me it lacks in ergonomics as it numbs my hands. The Rupes LHR or the Duetto don't do that to my hands. For this reason I won't use it for long term correction.
Haha, I’ll be sure to let Mike Phillips know he shouldn’t only stop detailing, but he shouldn’t be near a car..

Since you love your memes ;)
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I still have mine and it is a good machine. Rarely use it anymore. It is a good machine but for me it lacks in ergonomics as it numbs my hands. The Rupes LHR or the Duetto don't do that to my hands. For this reason I won't use it for long term correction.

Interesting problem as I have heard others experiencing the same issue. For me, I have not had any physical problems what so ever.