Carpet cleaner


New member
Feb 16, 2014
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I need some carpet cleaner now. I don't have time to order it as I am working my vehicle now. I just need a suggested product that I can get from the local parts store - Advance or Autozone. I'd appreciate any suggestion.

Ooops I think this is the wrong forum. Moderator, please move to the appropriate forum.

I really like Griots Interior Cleaner for an OTC product.

Little to no scent, and doesn't seem harsh. Some swear by Folex(Lows or HD) but for some reason I'm not a big fan of it.

I don't like the OTC aerosol foam ones at all, most seem to leave a residue behind.
Any particular type of stain you are working on?

If you have coffee stains, I would use vinegar first. Folex might work, but I'm not sure. Either way treat them before using a basic (higher pH) cleaner.

Oil and grease, spot clean with a non pumice hand cleaner. Preferably citrus based.
Probably a bit late, but what are you trying to accomplish? A particular stain removal, or just general cleaning?
Thanks everyone. Just general cleaning. I haven't cleaned the carpet since I purchased the vehicle in 2013 (Sequoia), even though the mats take all the abuse. It's not dirty, dirty, but just never been cleaned. I detailed the truck often.
Hmm, yeah I use folex tirst on specific bad spots. Then using a HD shampoo for the rest due to the price of Folex. You can always use a good APC. You don't have to spend a ton of money on a lot of special items your APC is versatile.
Have to agree on Folex for general carpet cleaning. If you need to attack anything that Folex MAY NOT remove, and you don't want to go the on-line buying route...check out your local janitorial supply store.
