CG Leather Serum vs Conditioner?

Maybe this is an old thread but still a good one. I just had a guy tell me about leather seurm, and nubuck in a king ranch. my question is i read somewhere in hear they have at one point changed up the type of nubuck so it didnt stain so easily. can anyone shed light so I can relay info.
I have two cars (both over 85k) with protected leather seats and I have used a bunch of different "conditioning" products with no negative effect. The slipperiness effect has somewhat to do with application method - always apply to applicator then spread. Even Leather Masters Protection Cream (it has oils too) can increase slickness but a slight slicker surface means less friction and wear and tear.
I stumbled on the GC serum at Ollies. Initial impressions are that it's a nice product. I'm not sure it softens as well as Leather Honey but it doesn't leave a sticky residue which is nice for coated auto leather.