3m or menzerna


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May 20, 2015
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Guys, i would like to know what differentiates menzerna Compounds & polishes from 3m compounds and polishes. Please spread some light
Let's leave it at night & day. The difference is monumental. Pretty much every aspect from ease of application to final look Menzerna is better technology. I wouldn't use 3M polish if a truck backed up with a free lifetime supply.

Sorry, just my opinion.
I can't compare, but I can say that menzerna products work well and are easy to use. My go to....
Guys, i would like to know what differentiates menzerna Compounds & polishes from 3m compounds and polishes. Please spread some light

I'd say everything about them is different from the carrying agents to the abrasive technology.

Do a search on this forum for how many times I use the term,

abrasive technology

Also note, at the time I'm writing this, not a single 3M product states in the directions it's for use with any type of DA polisher. The directions all state for use with rotary buffers.

I even have an article for that and not the sceenshot I took of my Facebook page and what I say about the screenshot or the question I'm asked.

For Use with Rotary Buffer Only - Read the Directions

Scott, I'm confused on how you feel about the 3M products. Your post was not very clear, could you please elaborate?
•It'd probably be easier to list the many similarities
of and between these two Brands' abrasive liquids.

•But to be a little more specific:
-Menzerna's polishes, that contain diminishing
abrasives, have long-lasting lubricating oils. This gives
those polishes a long working time---long enough to
allow the break-down of the abrasives, with less chance
of dry buffing; less dusting; etc.

-The drawback to these types of long-lasting lubricating
oils is that they can be very resistant to removal from
a vehicle's panels. As such...and often depending on
the type of LSP that'll be applied...the removal of these
lubricating-oil's residues makes "panel wipes" a most
necessary part of the overall detailing processes.

As to 3M:
They were the forerunner (the inventor, so to say)...
of almost "all-things-abrasives" in products:
'Nuff said!

Ease of use for me goes hands down to menzerna, and for that reason, they're what I use the most. I do however love 3m ultra fine.
I'd say everything about them is different from the carrying agents to the abrasive technology.

Do a search on this forum for how many times I use the term,

abrasive technology

Also note, at the time I'm writing this, not a single 3M product states in the directions it's for use with any type of DA polisher. The directions all state for use with rotary buffers.

I even have an article for that and not the sceenshot I took of my Facebook page and what I say about the screenshot or the question I'm asked.

For Use with Rotary Buffer Only - Read the Directions


I agree with Mike's comments above, but I'm not going to read any more or any less into it other than exactly what he said.

I think it odd that 3M hasn't addressed DA polishers/polishing at all. I'm not sure why that is considering 3M seems to like being "everywhere", except for in that particular market.

As to using their products with a rotary. All I will say is that when working on my Trashed Trailblazer project I wished I'd have ran out of M105 more soon and found my 3M Perfect-It II Compound much sooner (also have the EX Compound). What a pleasure to work with it was, not drying out too quickly, nor gumming up on dead paint, and a pleasurable working time. I found the polish to be the same. Never tried to use them with my DA because of what the directions stated. I did go back to the DA with M205 to finish, but not for any particular reason.

For rotary use I seemed to like using my 3M products. It is a shame they haven't addressed polishing with a Dual Action machine, at all that I'm aware of.

I'm looking forward to trying some other products that Mike so often uses that can be used with a rotary and a DA, they are Pinnacle Advanced Compound and Advanced Polish, as well as Wolfgang Uber Compound and their respective polishes. I just bought Wolfgang AIO.
3M caters to the body shop industry not the detailing industry and the body shop industry historically uses rotary buffers for the majority of all their buffing work. That's why so many cars come out of body shops with holograms. There is more to the reason why body shops are prone to leaving holograms in the paint and I've explained the reasons why numerous times on this forum in multiple threads.

Remember, the only true test and good test of anything with abrasives is black paint.

Didn't 3M buy Megiuars back in 2008? If so, can it be assumed that 3M now covers everything for the DA detailing markets? And that doesn't really contribute anything to the OP's question but Mike answered the 3M focus on body shops and rotary products. Just wanted to offer my thought on 3M's business approach/expansion to cover the DA users with Megiuars.
Didn't 3M buy Megiuars back in 2008? If so, can it be assumed that 3M now covers everything for the DA detailing markets? And that doesn't really contribute anything to the OP's question but Mike answered the 3M focus on body shops and rotary products. Just wanted to offer my thought on 3M's business approach/expansion to cover the DA users with Megiuars.

That's pretty much the way I see it also.

If anyone has access to 3M's annual report from '08 or '09, I believe they actually said something to that effect (just going on semi-memory here).

Didn't 3M buy Meguiar's back in 2008?

That's pretty much the way I see it also.

If anyone has access to 3M's annual report from '08 or '09, I believe they actually said something to that effect (just going on semi-memory here).


I've told this story elsewhere on this forum but here's the nutshell version,

It was October of 2008 as I was still working at Meguiar's. Mike Pennington called me at home as I worked for Meguiar's from home running their forum and teaching their classes. He asked me,

"Are you sitting down?"

I said "no".

He said... "you might want to sit down for this"

So I sat down in my chair and he told me that Meguiar's had just been bought by 3M.

So yeah I know all about the 3M purchase and I also know that according to my very good sources at Meguiar's that Meguiar's and 3M don't trade technology. 3M has had the good wisdom to not try to fix something that wasn't and isn't broken.

That said, my comment previously in this thread was at this time 3M does not make any products that are formulated for and designed for use with dual action polishers. The 3M Ultrafine is probably completely safe. But on black paint what I've seen with the compounds is micro-marring when used with DA Polishers.

I shared this thread in my first reply,

For Use with Rotary Buffer Only - Read the Directions

And if you click the above thread link and read post #6 you'll see the screen shot I made and shared that is TYPICAL of the types of questions I get from people using the 3M Perfect-it Compounds with dual action polishers.


I think the article I wrote and the follow-up questions and answers in the discussion that takes place in the thread pretty much explains it all but a person would have to click the thread adn read, not scan the thread to get the complete story. :laughing:

Didn't 3M buy Meguiar's back in 2008?

If so, can it be assumed that 3M now covers everything for the DA detailing markets?

They do under the Meguiar's brand but not under the 3M brand which was what I said.
