CarPro PERL issues... Help Please!


New member
Oct 17, 2013
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Ok, so I heard many great things about CarPro PERL and I wanted to see what the hype is all about and join the club of long lasting protection for my plastic trim! So about 2 weeks ago I pulled the trigger and ordered some. I was super excited to use it, but unfortunately, I don't get the same results as others. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, and it's annoying.

My previous stuff even lasted longer than PERL (which claims up to 3 months). I used to use Surf City Garage's Black Max and Shine Supply's Trim Shine, both of which lasted about 1 month per application.
CarPro PERL on the other hand is gone after my weekly wash! Leaving nothing but dull looking plastic with white run-off stains!
I only use CG Maxi-Suds, which is gentle, and 2BM for the weekly wash with a plush microfiber wash mitt.
I don't understand why it's not bonding with my plastic trim...
(I wrote this after reapplying PERL again... Forgot about some pics.. Sorry!)

Here's my initial PERL process:
- Sprayed trim with Meg's Degreaser and APC (Full strength)
- Let dwell a little bit
- Agitated with stiff bristle brush
- Rinsed with strong jet of water
- Dried off with towel
- Let trim air dry for ~1 hour afterwards, just to be sure
- Applied PERL (1:1 dilution) and let sit overnight to bond
- Didn't wash car for about 3 days after, no rainy day in-between application and wash

If I'm missing a step or not doing something right, could you please let me know!

As of now, I'm quite disappointed with the product.
Those are my sentiments as well. Was not impressed and I believe its way overrated.
I'm completely stumped as to why it isn't working. If my process isn't the issue, I'm wondering if there's a bad batch of PERL that goes around.

I would love to know what the AG member who works for CarPro has to say about this matter.
Did you shake the product before use and you can just call Corey at carpro-us he will be more the hepful to answer your questions.
I'm completely stumped as to why it isn't working. If my process isn't the issue, I'm wondering if there's a bad batch of PERL that goes around.

I would love to know what the AG member who works for CarPro has to say about this matter.

I would suggest not diluting it for trim. CarPro Perl is a water based dressing designed to wash off and re apply after washing the car. Do you park outside? Morning dew could be making it run from getting wet. Try it undiluted and see how that works.
I just recently got some PERL, and it is awesome! Definitely my go to from now on:)
Perl works great on my Michelin tire(2weeks) but never last for more than 3 days on continental.
variable on different rubber made?
I gave the half bottle away lol.
I coated my trims with Dlux
Looking forward to purchase TW tire coating.
most water based dressings will not last a real long time. i like the look of PERL and it's on par with durability (or last slightly longer) with the many other water based dressings i've tried/used. i don't expect it to last all that long because i'm going to scrub it off (tires) when the next wash comes within a week or two and IME it lasts up until that point. what one person may like another may not and you just have to keep trying until you find the one you like. so many great products out there to explore... :)
I always give the trim a hard buff after the PERL has dried for 15-20 min. I've never had it run on me and leave stains.
I support all of the above sentiments. It's water-based which will affect durability. However, it is a safer product compared to anything with solvents or oil as these will tend to accelerate dry-rot over time.

Also, I have seen that one vehicle's plastic trim is very different from others so durability and/or compatibility affect the dilution ratio I use. I have used Megs Ultimate Black Restorer, Mother's Back to Black, CarPro Perl and Solution Finish Restorer. The only two that came close to impressing me is Megs and CarPro. If you get 2-4 weeks you are probably maximizing your durability.

Here are some tips that I have used that work reasonably well in terms of maximizing durability (weather notwithstanding):

1. Perform an IPA wipe on the trim prior to the first application
2. Apply with a MF sponge and with elbow grease; get the product deep in the pores and texture of the plastic
3. Rather than apply one layer that dwells for a long time, apply multiple thin layers.
a. Apply layer... let dry as much as possible
b. Wipe trim with a towel. A small amount of force, maybe 20-30% of the strength used in #2
c. Repeat 2-3x

What I am going to try this year is to top PERL with a spray wax or Collinite 845 and see if it helps at all.

Cory's review in case you have not seen it -
I use CarPro Perl & Ultima Tire & Trim Guard. I don't understand why, but different tires hold the treatments differently. My Goodyears seem to like the Ultima better, but my Bridgestones seem to like Perl better. Both tires were deep scrubbed and treated.

Now with Perl you may lose some of the gloss and it turns more matte overtime but the UV protection is still there and dirt still comes off easy (just not as shiny as at first).
I am with the OP about the only thing I use PERL for is engines and wheel wells.
I agree. I tried the PERL, it did not live up to the hype. Threw it out and went back to 303 and Opti Tire Gel.
Dlux is the way to go. I also like Blackfire Total Trim and Tire Sealant which lasts a lot longer than PERL.
...I also like Blackfire Total Trim and Tire Sealant which lasts a lot longer than PERL.

I haven't tried PEARL, but really like the Blackfire product. I get about 3~4 months from an application.
I tried it also used half a bottle and tossed it. I had to go back and fix this guys truck because it turned white you can see the tires turned white also.

I used D101 scrubbed down good let dry and applied PERL 1: 3
after it rained it turned white. You have to make sure that they did not use a oil trim dressing or it will repel the PERL
I used only about 2 oz and tossed the hole bottle.

First off, thanks for all the responses from you guys. Really sheds some more light on the situation, and I'm glad that I'm not the only one who is having trouble with this product. Wish it weren't the case, but unfortunately it is.

Another thanks to the guys who recommended alternative long lasting trim products. Definitely open to more suggestions for longer lasting trim products.

Did you shake the product before use and you can just call Corey at carpro-us he will be more the hepful to answer your questions.

Yes, I formed the habit of shaking all my products before using them. Happens like a reflex now. I even do it when it's time to refill my spray bottles and there's a little product left... Damn reflex...

Thanks for the info of the CarPro rep, but I believe that it's just not for me.

I would suggest not diluting it for trim. Do you park outside? Try it undiluted and see how that works.

Tried a test spot undiluted, didn't like the gloss. I like a matte/satin black.

No, the car is garaged every night and most of the day.

Read the review, pretty good, but the product still doesn't seem to work for me. Thanks for sharing.

Now with Perl you may lose some of the gloss and it turns more matte overtime but the UV protection is still there and dirt still comes off easy (just not as shiny as at first).

I like the less glossy looks when it comes to trim and tire shine.

I haven't tried PEARL, but really like the Blackfire product. I get about 3~4 months from an application.

That's another product I was considering. Might just try that next, sooner than later, depending on how long I keep the PERL around.

I tried it also used half a bottle and tossed it. I had to go back and fix this guys truck because it turned white you can see the tires turned white also.

Exactly what is happening to mine, not that white though... Still super annoying...

Thanks for the help everyone!!! Making this detailer community awesome once again! Huge fan of the support that goes around here! :dblthumb2:

Still open to other product recommendations if you have some!
I know it's a competitor product. But, Zaino Z-16 dressing is my favorite.

If you dont like gloss then CarPro perl is not for you. If you want long lasting tire stuff look at the tire coatings like DP tire coating. For trim you could look at the wolfgang trim sealant as it wont wash off as easy. Another good one for trim is solution finish. Put some nitrate gloves on because it will stain your hands and it will stain paint so either tape it off or wipe it off fast if you get any on the paint.