Ceramic Coated Gel-coat after 8 months on the water!

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Mike Phillips

Ceramic Coated Gel-coat after 8 months on the water!

Here's one of the boats we used for the January Boat Detailing Class this year This is a 24' Edgewater and it's always kept on the water right where you see it BEFORE my class did an full correction and ceramic coating to it.

Training Boats for the February 2019 Boat Detailing Class at Autogeek in Stuart Florida



Here's the Test Spot and the results - class took place Saturday, February 9th and Sunday February 10th, 2019.

Pictures & Comments 2019 Boat Detailing Class at Autogeek with Mike Phillips

Before each class starts, I first do a Test Spot to each boat to make sure,

A: The boat can be restored. Pretty easy to see I bring in really bad boats and it's possible for the pigmented gel-coat to be so bad it is past the point of no return - so I test.

B: To dial in a process that works 100% to create a showroom new finish. Then the class simply duplicates this process to the rest of the boat.

So here's my Test Spot for the 24' Edge Water









And here's the results from the Test Spot


The ghosting is gone and the results are a rich blue color as good as and in my opinion better than when it left the factory. I say this because most boat manufacturers finish out their boats with wool pads on rotary buffers.

And here's the FINAL RESULTS from the class!



Most boats I've seen and worked on have holograms from the factory. The finish on this Edgewater is hologram-free! For this reason it's in better condition now than most factory boats.



Here's how she looks today. As I type, it's September 19th, 2019, a little over 8 months later. The owner had it out of the water and brought it by Autogeek just to show me how the ceramic coating is holding up.






As you can see by the pictures, it was cloudy outside and the hull ANGLES away from the top cap, this made it challenging to capture pictures that show the boat as well as when the boat is in the garage, but I think anyone with two eyeballs can see the gel-coat hull LOOKS GREAT!



And in case you're NOT a boater and don't know what these results mean after being exposed to DIRECT FLORIDA SUN and river water - this is amazing. Normally, after about 3-4 months if using a traditional boat wax or even boat sealant, the hull would have oxidized and turn back to the chalky white appearance you see in the first pictures.

Thanks Brian for bringing your boat by Autogeek so I could share the current condition with our forum. The most COMMON QUESTION I get about ceramic coating gel-coat boats is,

How long will the results last?

That is impressive, Mike.

I worked on boats for almost 30 years, and I know exactly what you mean about the Gelcoat re-oxidizing. Awesome job on that!

Oh, and what a boat Brian has. The Edgewater is a GREAT boat.
That is impressive, Mike.

I worked on boats for almost 30 years, and I know exactly what you mean about the Gelcoat re-oxidizing. Awesome job on that!

I agree, very impressive but to give due credit where credit is due, my class did the work. I just showed them what to do.

That is impressive.

I agree. Very impressive. The owner is just as impressed.

This is excellent Mike!

I have been thinking about getting back into boat detailing and have been wondering about how a ceramic coating will do on a boat.

This is awesome!
Holy crap, that is jaw-on-the-floor amazing after 8 months. Now you've got me thinking about doing a ceramic on my gel-coat motorhome...
Mike, do you have a write up on what the class did to this boat from start to finish? Very impressive results!
The boat I work on had the hull ceramic coated before heading to the Caribbean in January this year. Stuff is really good, the exhaust soot from a 5 day delivery came off with soap and water. No harsh chemicals were needed to remove it. The hull still has a good shine today, although not as good as January, Still very pleased with its durability. Not sold here so I wont mention the name. I would imagine the longevity on any one of the marine ceramic coatings would be similar If one were to use the same prep. I'm curious which ceramic coating product Mike used as well and the steps he had to do to restore that gel coat. Came out really nice!
What coating did you use?

Sorry I never got back to you Ron, according to the Time Stamp of when I posted this thread it was

September 19th, 2019

Off hand I don't remember where I was taking off to, but I was leaving town the day he brought the boat by or the next day as I knew I was short on time.

To answer your questions, we used the GYEON Q2R Marine GelCoat


This was a brand new coating launched at the 2018 SEMA show.
