Clay then Cleaner Wax? Or wait for the good stuff?


New member
Aug 13, 2016
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Hey everyone! I've always loved keeping my cars clean but have been wanting to take it to the next level of car care. So I've been doing lots of homework here for weeks and am aching to do some work on my car! It's white, 6 years old... and hasn't really been taken care of.

Here's the plan...
Megs wash
Griots clay
m105 compound
m205 polish
Collinite 845

So here's the problem, I have everything listed above, EXCEPT my 845 won't be here for another 2 weeks! I have Megs cleaner wax I could use as a temporary LSP in the meantime. Could I clay, then cleaner wax today, then start with the 105 and finish the process when the 845 gets here? ... or should I just put my patient pants on and wait for the 845? I hate to waste a Saturday doing nothing, but am not sure if using cleaner wax will be a good temp LSP or a waste of time...

Any advice is appreciated. Thanks in advance, love this website/forum!
Aren't you going to use a decon product,
such as IronX, before claying? (I would,
if I were you: it's a white vehicle, after all.)

OK...With decon out of the way:
If you're absolutely sure that the vehicle
needs compounding...then, after the initial
washing/decon steps: go ahead with the

the Cleaner-Wax should suffice
until the Collinite #845 arrives.

At that time:
using the M205 will act as an
excellent "Cleaner-Wax stripper",
as well as the Finishing Polish.

Apply the LSP; enjoy your ride!


Forgot to say :welcome: AGO!}
Wow, I didn't know there was a step before claying- guess I need to do some more research on that!

Thank you so much for the info and suggestions, glad to know I can go ahead with the 105 and cleaner wax.
I'd say you might be ok with just claying if you're planning on following it up with M105.. As far as Megs regular Cleaner Wax holding down the protection until your Colinite arrives in 2 weeks? I'd say it's dependant on where you live, and where the vehicle spends most of its time parked. I can tell you from my experience after having clayed and following it up with Megs Black Wax, only 16 days later my paint felt like sandpaper through the baggie test after a full bucket wash.

I even went the extra step to prep and "IronX" just like Bob suggested you do..

View attachment 51275

I should've known better than to think an AIO would be able to protect my paint from contaminants bonding to it.. Air quality is among the worst out here in LA, but I was still surprised at how the paint felt after only 16 days.

Try it out. Just make sure to do a baggie test before you apply the Colinite in 2 weeks, don't just assume it's still perfectly good to go.