GlassPro coating system


New member
Oct 22, 2011
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Would it be possible to buy the 2nd part of the coating system separately? First of all my bottle leaked during shipping all over so I started with only half a bottle, but also looking ahead according to the instructions for best results you should put additional coatings of the 2nd part of the coating liquid every few months. You will run out of the 2nd liquid way before the first liquid. Eventually you will have a bunch of half used bottles of the first liquid if you have to order both bottles every time which at its price isnt cheap. Just seems a little wasteful.
At the current time the Blackfire GlassPro Coating System is only available as a 2 part system. BLACKFIRE GLASSPRO Coating System

Please contact Autogeek customer service at 1-800-869-3011 regarding the issues during shipping.

Best regards,