How to remove wax from container to put in buffing pad


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Aug 8, 2011
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What's the best way to remove wax from can to put on buffing pad?
It was suggested to use an old credit card, butter knife or body filler applicator.

I use small body filler applicators. Other than that I have actually transferred wax into old deodorant or laundry stain sticks to dress my waxing pads with. With a thin application via machine the 2-3oz of wax in the small sticks I've made last quite a long time. Credit for the idea goes to various members here
Depends on the car or container. If its plastic, sometimes you can flex it to loosen the wax and it will slide out. In addition to the recommendations above, others have also put the container in some warm water for a few minutes to soften the wax and it slides out. Just be careful and not drop it on the floor!!
In my how-to book on page 107 I show the way I do it and that's to simply use the blade of my PC wrench because I always have a PC wrench with me when I'm machine applying a wax.

It has a large flat handle kind of like a butter knife or thin spatula.

Simply wipe it clean with a microfiber towel and go for it.


Tons of tips like the above in all my how-to books.

I transfer wax (476) from container-to-surface using a microfiber or foam applicator then use a buffer to spread it thin. Otherwise it's tough to judge how much to scrap out of the can & smear on the pad.
I transfer my hard waxes to empty deodorant container.

I wash them in very hot water to preclean them, reassemble the top end, melt the wax in a double boiler. At the very lowest temp so it will pour. Then fill up the deodorant container about 3/4 of the way. Then, as soon as it starts to harden it put in the screw drive push up mechanism and let it finish hardening. I have at least three empties ready to fill since I have no idea how repeated heating and cooling cycles may affect the wax.

The wax has always ended up perfectly. I have done it with everything from the cheapest Walmart waxes, all the way up to the big can of Fuzion.

This method leaves you with no residue in the big can and a very convenient method of applying the wax to a pad. And the very tiny amount that remains in the push up pad inside the dispenser can always be melted down with the next filling session.
I like Oldmodman's trick, will have to try that. I'm surprised they don't sell it that way.