As you explained to me in discussion, and for the sake of the editor mode concerning pictures, I am able to click on the editor mode icon and see the numbered pictures. I didn't know about that before our discussion.
Well that's one thing that will help you...
I understand you are saying it can be done with text also, however, all I get when I click on a quote buttion...for example to quote one of your posts...and then click on the editor button to break up the text, all I get is a font size change when I click the "A" button.. I'm using internet explorer also.
I was just having you "quote" me so you could see what the code looks like in editor mode. I took a screens shot to do the same thing here,
Editor view of BB code behind multiple pictures
Like the way I post pictures to the forum, it's a slow way to break up the text. I'm still missing something, I think.
You just want to,
Take the pictures off your camera and place them into one folder.
Go through them using LviewPro or some other software to look and see which ones you want to keep and which ones you want to delete, for example duplicates or pictures that are out of focus.
Once you have the pictures you want to keep and use, rename them using the same name but change the final last digit. IF you have 20 pictures the last digits in your file name before the .jpg would be 001 to 020 Make sense?
Once they are renamed, put them in your folder, "Ready to Resize" and then open Easy Thumbnails and click "Make All". Assuming you've set up your folders like I show here,
How to resize your photos before uploading to a photo gallery
After you resize your photos to 800 pixels wide then upload them into your gallery like I show here,
How to upload a photo into your Autogeek Photo Gallery
After they are all uploaded into your gallery, then you are ready to insert them like I show here,
How to insert an image from your photo gallery into your message
Once you get to the first picture and insert it using WYSIWYG mode of the vBulletin interface, you can then click on the Editor Mode option and highlight and copy and paste the full code for this one picture and paste it as many times as you have pictures and then simply change just the digits at the end of the code to match how many pictures you have to share.
I actually do 10 at a time after the first 10 picture I simply copy the code for pictures 1 through 10 and then just change the "1" to a "2" for 21, 21, 23, etc.
Then for the next 10 pictures I change the 2 to a 3 etc.
Some of my threads have up to and over 100 pictures so I need a "system" that I can use everyday without having to "think" about it.
This would be a lot easier to show you in person and maybe I can get the software that allows me to make a video showing my desktop as I work with pictures for the forum.