Motorcycle Ride Report for DetailFest


New member
Jul 4, 2010
Space Coast of Florida
Hey all; Just got back from a great day at DetailFest. I rode my motorcycle down from Brevard County. I have to say DetailFest was awesome. I learned a lot talking to the vendors that were there. Also gave me ideas on what I want to buy in the future. Spoke at length with the Chemical Guys, Metro-Vac, S100 guy, and the Shop-Vac guy. I saw Meghan there, but she was very busy so I did not want to bother her. I did sneak into touring the warehouse which was very interesting.

The day started with a little bit of rain, but a nice breakfast was enough time for the rain to pass.

Nothing like steak and eggs to start off a day of motorcycling. It is the breakfast of astronauts!

Pre-Launch Jitters and Then... Liftoff


No rain for the ride South:


A nice ride along A1A and I arrived in Stuart around noon:


Dennis Gage was one of the first people I ran into!


And he always said yes to pose with a fan (not me)


Mike was there and very generous of his time



Oh yeah and there were cars there too!

Thank you for coming down and I wish you would have grabbed me, never too busy for a forum member!!
This is a great post and sounds like a trip to remember. Thank you for all the photos! :dblthumb2:

There is a motorcycle adventure website called Ride reports are really popular on that site. I was not sure how it would go over here, but I thought I would give it a try. THank you for the feedback, glad you liked it.
THis man was very happy to meet Mike. He started his detailing business and said the how to videos Mike posts were very valuable to him. Mike was on his way to the studio but stopped to pose for a bunch of pictures.

Thank you for coming down and I wish you would have grabbed me, never too busy for a forum member!!

You looked pretty frazzled, I'll be sure to say something next time.

I am sure I speak for all the forum members, the work you guys do on this forum and to help us in the storefront is greatly appreciated. DetailFest was one of a kind, it was the best car show I have ever been to. It was great to see the operation where we spend so much of our online time. I tailgated into the last tour of the warehouse and it was awesome to see what goes into getting our orders to us.

Everyone was friendly and quick to engage in conversation. The vendors were awesome and it was great to have the opportunity to talk to them and get a greater understanding of the products.

Thank you to all the AutoGeeks that had a hand in putting on DetailFest.

On Monday I will be telling all the car geeks I work with how much they missed out on.
The cars that were there were very cool. One of the guys I knew on my sub in the Navy had an Olds 442. So I had to get a picture of this car to send to ol' Pete.

One of the guys I work with just bought a blue Corvette like this one. He is one of the guys I was trying to convince to go to DetailFest. That is my red Royal Star Tour Deluxe. Don't look too close, the paint on it is all scratched up.

Cheeseburger in Paradise

There is a lot of food involved with motorcycling so all ride reports need pictures of food. This was a very good stromboli from the Italian restaurant vendor that was there.


Any Jimmy Buffett fans here? Whenever I am out motorcycling I think about the song Cheeseburgers in Paradise. The story about the song is that he was out sailing and something happened where most of his food spoiled. They had to ration greatly to have any hope of having enough to get them back to civilization. When they got to port he went to some dive and had a crappy cheeseburger. After what he went thru it was the best cheeseburger he ever had, a cheeseburger in paradise.

Motorcycling does a great job of working up your appetite. Every once in a while, because of what you saw on the ride, who you are with, or where you went, you are so happy to be sitting down to eat that it is a cheeseburger in paradise. It does not matter what you ordered. I am sure a lot of it is psychological, in these instances it becomes the best tasting thing you have ever had.
I was going to blast down from Daytona on the bike but brought my mutt down for the winter and didn't have anyone to take care of his furry keester while I was gone. Maybe I'll get him a sidecar... Next year for sure.