I have an 8 year old 24' bay boat that had seen some battle and it was time to take care of the scratches & scrapes. The boat is kept in a covered lift so the general gel-coat was in pretty good shape as far as oxidation goes, though the rear of the boat was pretty heavily faded. It had not seen a good polish in a few years, so it was time to give it a full service.
I wet-sanded the small scratches out, and gel-coated the deeper ones - there were enough across the hull that I decided to go ahead and wet-sand the whole hull to ensure any deeper sanding scratches were out as well as take care of any oxidation that may have been there - started with 400 on a block, and then moved to 800 until I realized I could use my PC7424XP and wet-sand - so I'm not to the point where I've used the PC to wet-sand the whole hull with 600, 800 and 1500 - planning to then do a pass with 2000 and finally 3000.
I have the Marine 31 / Dewalt polisher combo recently purchases from AutoGeek - and looking for guidance on what products to use after wet sanding with the 3000 and the PC.....
I have the Marine 31 Heavy-Cut Oxidation Cleaner and the Final Step Polish, along the the LC orange & white pads the came with the kit and a wool cutting pad. I also have bottles of the Meguiars 49 and 45.
Given the state the hull will be in after finishing with the 3000, what is the best product to go with next (and with which pad - assume I'll be using the MinnKota polisher regardless).
I wet-sanded the small scratches out, and gel-coated the deeper ones - there were enough across the hull that I decided to go ahead and wet-sand the whole hull to ensure any deeper sanding scratches were out as well as take care of any oxidation that may have been there - started with 400 on a block, and then moved to 800 until I realized I could use my PC7424XP and wet-sand - so I'm not to the point where I've used the PC to wet-sand the whole hull with 600, 800 and 1500 - planning to then do a pass with 2000 and finally 3000.
I have the Marine 31 / Dewalt polisher combo recently purchases from AutoGeek - and looking for guidance on what products to use after wet sanding with the 3000 and the PC.....
I have the Marine 31 Heavy-Cut Oxidation Cleaner and the Final Step Polish, along the the LC orange & white pads the came with the kit and a wool cutting pad. I also have bottles of the Meguiars 49 and 45.
Given the state the hull will be in after finishing with the 3000, what is the best product to go with next (and with which pad - assume I'll be using the MinnKota polisher regardless).