Wolfgang Uber Rinseless Wash & Wolfgang Spritz Sealant as a Hybrid Detailer


Dec 17, 2017
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I have seen people online making Hybrid Detailers
One made x 2 parts Uber RW to x 1 part Meguiars 156 Spray Wax.
Would this work with Wolfgang Uber Rinseless Wash & Wolfgang Spritz Sealant?
What does this achieve?
Or is there other options?

Thanks in advance
I have seen people online making Hybrid Detailers
One made x 2 parts Uber RW to x 1 part Meguiars 156 Spray Wax.
Would this work with Wolfgang Uber Rinseless Wash & Wolfgang Spritz Sealant?
What does this achieve?
Or is there other options?

Thanks in advance

In the 17 years I've been answering questions like this I stay true to how I answer it and it goes like this....

What you're trying to invent already exists formulated by an actual chemist. Maybe check out a good brand for a spray on wax or Si02 type product.

I like the BLACKFIRE Si02 spray on product.

I always get the urge myself to concoct stuff out of what I have on hand the the craziest one I made was Klasse AIO, ultima acrylic waterless and a sonus quick detailer made to be used with Klasse and rubbing alcohol. It worked great the 1st day I was showing everyone.....the next day some kind of chemical reaction took place and globed and gelded it up and I wasted product. I briefly thought I was Jeff Werkstatt.
Wondered what would be achieved, I think using these products what they are designed for, but putting it out there.

Thank you