Correction problem


New member
Mar 18, 2014
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I started try to get rid of some of the swirls and scratches on my Kia today. I used my HF da with a hex logic orange pad and griots correcting crime. I was able to get some of the smaller scratches out. And it brightened up the paint. But I still have some deeper scratches that it didn't touch.

Does anyone have any idea of where I could go from here to try and get some of these scratches out.

You might be better off not trying to remove deeper scratches. Any kind of polishing you're removing clear coat that you don't have much of. Maybe you have some pictures of the defects you're trying to remove?

If you are dead set on removing them, you'll want to move up to a microfiber cutting pad. I'm not sure where that Griot's correcting cream sits on the aggressiveness scale, you might want to try something like Menzerna FG 400 or whatever they call it now.
Can't really help without picture but if you are skilled enough to wetsand, it will certainly remove or dramatically imrpove deep scratches.
I was thinking of trying a compound like fg400.

When I put too much product on the pad does that diminish the effectiveness of it. I think I tend to use too much product.

Tomorrow I am going to try and get a picture in the sun of the scratches
Less is more with polishes, that's for sure. Do you have the "correcting cream" or the fast correcting cream" ?
I have the correcting cream. I noticed when I turned the machine off I had an excess amount of product on the surface.
The entire line of Griots new creams are excellent. I highly recommend staying within the family of a product line. This way when you do other vehicles and have differing challenges you can adapt your product and pad combination accordingly. In this case, instead of jumping to another product you may want to consider a more aggressive pad or mf pad. I'll bump up my pad before changing product (staying within that products family) before I change the product. If that doesn't work, in your case I'd move up to Fast Correcting Cream. I have the whole line up of these products and they are excellent.
How much product are you applying to the pad before each section?
What speed we're you using the machine?
How much pressure?
How did you apply the polish to the pad?
How many passes did you do?
Where you able to maintain pad rotation during your process?

A simple alteration of technique might be all you need to accomplish your goals.
The entire line of Griots new creams are excellent. I highly recommend staying within the family of a product line. This way when you do other vehicles and have differing challenges you can adapt your product and pad combination accordingly. In this case, instead of jumping to another product you may want to consider a more aggressive pad or mf pad. I'll bump up my pad before changing product (staying within that products family) before I change the product. If that doesn't work, in your case I'd move up to Fast Correcting Cream. I have the whole line up of these products and they are excellent.
I like fast correct and correct much better than cut and adapt. Which do you prefer? I know you're a huge HD fan.
I was using 4 drops. I probably could have used more pressure. The da was on speed 5. I could tell i was getting rotation from the sharpie trick. I did 2 passes.
I'm not familiar with the Griots products, but based on what's been provided already, I'd use less product and make more passes. Depending on the product I'm using I'll make between four~six passes over an area. Be sure not to move too fast quickly when making those passes. If you watch Mike in the Autogeek video's you can get a good idea of a proper pace when working on an area.
I was using 4 drops. I probably could have used more pressure. The da was on speed 5. I could tell i was getting rotation from the sharpie trick. I did 2 passes.

That actually sounds good. When I cut, I'm typically doing four passes though.

How are you cleaning the pad between sections?
I just realized that I should have been cleaning the pad between passes. I'm going to use the cleaning pad on fly technique that I just saw