I am fairly new to detailing and would like your advice on the Flex 3401. I read a post where you stated it was the best for a beginner. I bit the bullet a year ago and bought one, but I dont use it much bc it is a bit hard to handle. How can I get it so it handles better? What pads should I use? What is the best polish/pad combo for a one step correction? What kind of pressure should I be using for a one step? Speed? I know this is a bit, but I am debating on whether to sell it and buy a Rupes. Your time is greatly appreciated. Thank you.:buffing:
Do you think this is excessive on a 93 vette over its life time, 3 times Megs ultimate polish on orange pad, 5 times megs 205 black pad, 7 times 85rd on black pad all this in last 3 years since i got my PC, speed 4.5 on PC. Have I thinned clear coat too much. Thanks Mark.
Hi Mark, just came by to see what sales were going on for the weekend and saw your picture. It kinda looks like your looking right at me, I moved from side to side and it looks like your eyes follow me. yikes :\ creepy..lol J/k I hope all is good with you
Mark, I am new to forum, and started to do detailing again. I use pc 7424xp, I saw that you were not happy with the Flex 3401. If ever think of selling it pleace let me know. I am looking to up grade. Would I better of with a Meg's DA?