paper towel scratch windshield?


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Jul 5, 2014
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Is it possible for paper towel to scratch windshield?

a guy told me that recycled paper towel has sand particles that scratch his windshield.

I frequently clean my windshield with paper towel. His comments cause me to worry about scratching my windshield.
I imagine that it would be possible. Recycled paper can have all sorts of impurities in it. I would just recommend using microfibers on your glass and not worry about it.
That's a new one, lol. Unless you are putting hundreds of pounds of pressure on the glass um sure you are fine. People have used paper towel and even newspaper for years to clean glass.

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Although possible, I think it would happen if there was some abrasive material between the glass and the paper. The paper by itself with any soft of glass cleaner should not scratch it. Glass doesn't scratch easily like paint.
I've never seen paper towels scratch glass. In fact, I prefer to use them, especially on the insides as I feel they clean better and are less likely to streak. or smear.
ah ok. thanks for the replies guys. I feel relieved that I haven't scratch the glass.
Virtually impossible that uniform paper towel could scratch glass. It can be an impurity on the glass that the paper towel is agitating against the surface of the glass.
Wiper blades have a better chance of wearing your glass down than cleaning with paper towels

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Paper towels (dry) can scratch plastic lens, but I doubt it will scratch glass unless there were some abrasive material on the glass in the first place and you rubbed the crap out of it.

The worse villain are your wipers. Many will turn them on when they are dry and the dirt trapped on the wiper blades can scratch your glass.