Super strange issue, hope someone knows what it is


New member
Jun 9, 2013
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Saw a very strange problem tonight and I am wondering if any of you have seens something like this before or know what it is.

So the client has a 2000 Honda Insight. This car has an aluminium body. He left some boxes on the roof of the car along with a garbage bag for about 3 hours. During that time it rained and it was a very hot day.

Now the area where the boxes and bags were are discolored. Instead of the deep red, it looks white. The client tried various things to fix it without sucees then called me.

First thing I tried was a mineral remover. I did not believe it would do anything but wanted to make sure it wasn't some form of water spot type problem. Did nothing to it.

I then clayed the areas. Again, nothing.

Went to a compound (D300 with cutting foam disk on a PC). Didn't do anything.

Paint was rather thin (105-115 microns on the roof, 77 microns in the door jambs). I did a very short wet sanding using 3000 grit 6 inch disk on the PC for 2 passes at speed 4. Compounded again, still no change. Mesured the paint again: 95-105 microns. So I suggested to the client we leave it there. Nothing seems to work and paint is very thin. So I polished the roof and stopped. I wanted to apply a sealant but I suggested against it in case it's some humidity stuck in the clear coat from the car being boiling hot, then rained on, My idea is that some water might have gotten in the pores of the clearcoat while it was super hot and trapped it when it cooled down. If that is the case, I told him it might fix itself then next time the car gets super hot. But honestly, that is a wild guess and I really don't know what the issue could be.

Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope!

Single stage Honda paint? I've never run across anything like this, however it does sound like moisture impregnated the paint/clear. (I'm basing that due to polish/compound/wet sand didn't touch it)

Pics if you've got them! And waiting to see if anyone else chimes in...
Single stage Honda paint? I've never run across anything like this, however it does sound like moisture impregnated the paint/clear.

Pics if you've got them! And waiting to see if anyone else chimes in...

Nope, it's a basecoat/clearcoat paint.
I can offer no help but I’m subscribed. I kinda hope it fixes itself for u.
No help here, but can't help but wonder what kind of person would leave boxes & garbage bags on their paint, and then wonder/care about a solution?

Scratching my head.......
No help here, but can't help but wonder what kind of person would leave boxes & garbage bags on their paint, and then wonder/care about a solution?

Scratching my head.......

Anybody can make a mistake. I am sure if he thought it would have created any issue he would not have done it. I talked for about an hour with him while trying to fix the problem and he takes good care of his vehicle and is
knowledgable about car maintenance. He tried most of what I did but he did not have a polisher, and he thought I would be able to remove it with the polisher. He tried using compound by hand but had little succes.

I think what happened is that he was probably working around the car, put the stuff on the roof and then it started raining hard so he went inside and forgot about the boxes. When it stopped raining he went to retrieve the boxes but it was too late.

I will let him know about the heat-gun. A hair dryer might also work. Don't know why I did not think of it, my idea was that when it would be super hot the sun would make the panel boiling hot and it might fix the issue, but I could have tried a heat gun.... "Doh! moment" there ;(
I dunno if I would try a heat gun TBH. If it is trapped moisture, it may boil the moisture and cause a bubble. Might be better trying it in the sun to slowly evaporate out(if it is indeed trapped moisture)
Was it recently painted? Saw this explanation on the net.

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No it hasn't been repainted. This is the originall paint from 2000.
No help here, but can't help but wonder what kind of person would leave boxes & garbage bags on their paint, and then wonder/care about a solution?

Scratching my head.......

my first thought too, then i remembered it was a honda insight owner haha. So sounds like your average A to B driver.