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  • Probably the best LSP I've used (haven't played with any coatings yet) was Synergy. Stuff was fantastic got to be super careful not to get any on the plastic, rubber or wrap material because it will stain. Here's a review I did on the product when it was first released and used my car as the test mule.

    On the interior I'm using Leather Masters 4 step solution because my leather is aniline/untreated and needs a little extra TLC. It's a bit of a PITA does a fantastic job and I only do the leather about 3x a year so it's not terrible. Other than that I simply wipe it out with a damp MF towel and follow up with another dry MF - looks brand new.

    Love to hear your thoughts and use my personal email since it's easier. [email protected] Loved your travel journel btw, I would love to do a road trip like that.
    Hey Scott it's Stuart (addysdaddy) and I've wanted to reach out for a while to share ideas and techniques on how best to maintain our 911s. Didn't want to clutter up the forum with personal chat.

    I have a 2014 911 C2S over espresso/cognac interior. The paint must be fair hard because when I tried polishing it, I wound up using my Flex with LC white hybrid pad and Menz 2500 to get the marring out. Granted I've only had to do that 1x in the last 12 months but I was really surprised it took that much aggressive pad/product combination. What seems to work for you assuming the paint is in good/excellent condition?

    About two weeks ago I tried some Primo Amigo by hand and it done a great job filling in & then I laid down two coats of DDJ Light Fantastic. Paint looked awesome.
    i work and detail out of the luv a wash on pine ridge and jauger st. i will be working this weekend .16 & 17 you should stop in . my name is Graham love and i own Luv a Shine full detailing.
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