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May 30, 2018
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Was doing a light polish on a fairly new BMW 530i Griots perfecting cream with a yellow pad on a g21 and noticed these after my first section after wipedown. Noticed a lot less on a section I haven't touched yet but it looks terrible any help is appreciated.

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Was doing a light polish on a fairly new BMW 530i Griots perfecting cream with a yellow pad on a g21 and noticed these after my first section after wipedown. Noticed a lot less on a section I haven't touched yet but it looks terrible any help is appreciated.

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It looks like a ton of little pin holes throughout the entire area. It's on the front of the hood and the owner drives a lot for work mostly on two lane highways and most likely very fast.

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That or bad paint repair. Look for evidence around that area of overspray.
Looks like a bad underwork of a repaint. Where the filler used is with to much harderner or to little of it. If not sanded down enough and several applications with the filler. And finish of with a finer filler it can be these kind of pin holes when it's fully settled. But it's a little strange that it got more visual after polishing. And maybe they used some kind of touch up paint that is released when you polishing. Did you notice any paint transfer on the polishing pad? It can be hard if your polish is also white in color and it can be only some 1k clearcoat. Or if they used some kind glaze or wax with heavy ability to fill.

Where is this area? If you can get to the nearest edge and look at the hidden part or how to describe it. Maybe as follow over the edge and look for paint that have not been there from factory or some kind of tape line. This is on the other side of the edge that is not visible. Man this was hard to translate as english is not my first language LOL. Hope you can understand what I meen.

Another way is to polish on another panel away from the maybe repainted area and see if the paint behaves differently there. And a paint thickness gauge would defently show show measure if repainted or even don't show no reading if the filler is deep. Look also on the underside of the area. If there is any dents showing there or other things. Also look for on the panels beside this area if it's any difference in the color shade between them.

Not much to do with the area other than repaint or a better touch up work. Could be outgasing from the repaint or solvent pops.
Looks like solvent popping. You said fairly new, which means used?

A paint thickness gauge should be able to tell if the panel was repaired or repainted.

Typical a repaired section will have higher mils/micron readings.

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3rd the solvent pop. it would be hard for me to believe a beemer left the factory lookin that way. i also lean to repairwork having been done.
check the edges/jambs of panels.doors, etc around that panel for signs of a tape line or that overspray-it will look like dust. it might feel rough.
Sorry I never responded but it's seems like the app crashed or something. I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary like a tape line or rough edges.
I also agree that it's seems impossible that a car maybe two years old would leave the factory like this. I will ask the owner if it has ever been repainted but he bought it new and if he had any sort of accident he refuses to keep the vehicle and will just buy another. So if it was repainted for whatever reason it was at the dealer before he bought it.
As I did the rest of the vehicle I did notice some of the same pits but not even close to as bad as it was on the hood, the ones I did see were only visible with a lot of bending around using the lights in the garage.
As far as paint transfer onto the pad I used a polish that was also white so it didn't show up.
Side note the front windshield was also very pitted I thought that maybe I hadn't cleaned it enough or product sling or dust but I cleaned it this morning and nothing came out. So I am wondering if that also has a lot to do with my issue, maybe a bit of both but I don't honestly know.
Fun part begins later when I get to explain what happened to his car, luckily he is a pretty nice guy lol.
Thank you all for your help on this matter.

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