View Full Version : I Just passed all 10 of my IDA exams!!!!!!

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Billy Baldone
12-05-2019, 08:21 PM
Wooo Hooo!!!! Next step is I need to sign up to get my SV certification with Jason Rose in Denver next month. What can I expect in the SV part of the process?

12-05-2019, 08:24 PM
Congratulations, Billy!!! :)

Billy Baldone
12-05-2019, 08:27 PM
Thank you. Im pretty excited. I will be the first IDA certified detailer in the state when we move there in Feb.

12-05-2019, 08:38 PM
Wooo Hooo!!!!

Congratulations :cheers:

Im pretty excited.
I will be the first IDA certified detailer in
the state when we move there in Feb.

The World is Your Oyster:



Billy Baldone
12-05-2019, 08:42 PM
If only it were that simple��

Sizzle Chest
12-05-2019, 09:47 PM
Congrats! That is excellent!

12-05-2019, 11:56 PM
Congrats I wanna do this one day, had no idea there were 10 exams, and you have to do a hands on test still, good luck on phase 2. I need to research how much I'd need to read up on to be able to even attempt to take these. I like they give you 2 attempts at each exam lol. So you take them online and it's an ethic system that you don't have outside help, and you only use reference material? So like, you can write down as much as you can think of on the 10 subjects then use that during the tests? I would laugh at the thought of online testing and relying on an "honor system" for most certifications. But Detailers tend to be really stand up people, so I think this is a pretty cool setup they have.

I just quickly read over IDA's page so maybe I'm off base here, but that's what it sounds like to me any ways. I can really take these tests at 3AM in my room while I'm eating tacos? I'm there :D

12-06-2019, 12:58 AM
What does IDA certification do for you business wise?

Billy Baldone
12-06-2019, 05:59 AM
That's a great question. Being a member, so far, has gotten me access to some of the best detailers in the world. And for someone just starting a new small business, like myself, being able to reach out to any member for mentoring, or just random questions is an invaluable resource. As far actual customers go, It's kind of like being an ASE certified mechanic. Most customers don't know what ASE actually means, but by seeing the logo, they at least know their mechanic went through the proper training. The detailing industry isn't there yet, but it should be in the near future. I want customers with cars that cost as much as a house to have a little piece of mind,knowing that the guy spending hours upon hours in and out of their car, at least has clue what they are doing.

12-06-2019, 07:41 AM
Where can you find information on the process for IDA Certification?

Mike Phillips
12-06-2019, 07:55 AM
Congratulations Billy!


Mike Phillips
12-06-2019, 07:56 AM
Where can you find information on the process for IDA Certification?

There’s actually no formal study guide.

I am working on a new book that addresses this topic.


Billy Baldone
12-06-2019, 07:56 AM
I'm not good at linking, but google IDA detailing. it will come right up. Also I had quite a few Aunts and Uncles that built AMC's in Kenosha Wisconsin back in the day. I have dreams of grandeur of one day owning an LS swapped Gremlin X

12-06-2019, 08:52 AM
Great news, glad to hear you are doing this and helping out the name of IDA!

Mike Phillips
12-06-2019, 09:15 AM
Where can you find information on the process for IDA Certification?

I'm not good at linking, but google IDA detailing. it will come right up.

What Billy is talking about is a series of articles Prentice St. Clair wrote for CarWashMag.com way back in 2013. I believe Prentice was also key in writing the original written tests, that's the Certified Detailer online tests. While these articles "did" provide the majority of the information on the tests, the tests have been updated and I believe there are now questions that have been added that due to the changing technology in this industry, the old articles Prentice wrote no longer cover all topics.

I'm on a couple of IDA committees including the Certification Committee. At the last meeting, the topic of providing the information for the written tests came up and it's an interesting topic. The big picture idea is anyone taking the test should actually "know" of have the knowledge of what they are doing as a detailer and thus should know the answers for the questions that are asked.

The issue with this idea is the questions cover a very wide spectrum of topics and there's no universal source for legitimate detailing information so some people take the tests with ease while others struggle.

I've set a goal for myself to write a book not for the IDA test, but for the knowledge anyone that wants to become a "Professional Detailer" should know in order to do the job correctly and safely.


Also I had quite a few Aunts and Uncles that built AMC's in Kenosha Wisconsin back in the day. I have dreams of grandeur of one day owning an LS swapped Gremlin X[/QUOTE]