Strange Looks


New member
Nov 26, 2009
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I was at the grocery today and the sun was nice and bright. I took the opportunity to admire my paint and look for any more swirls that needed attention.

Do you too get strange looks when you do this?
Probably. I don't really pay attention. Like I'm going to pay somebody else any mind while I'm lovin' on my baby! :p
I was at the grocery today and the sun was nice and bright. I took the opportunity to admire my paint and look for any more swirls that needed attention.

Do you too get strange looks when you do this?
Yes, and when I use a leaf blower to dry my car.
Yes, and when I use a leaf blower to dry my car.

My neighbors always give me strange looks when I am ONRing in the garage too. It is kinda funny to watch them watch me
I get the odd look when I tell people at the dealership all the free car wash that just came out all have massive swirls.

Friends tell me I am a nut to keep all my wax and glazes in the frig.
I get strange looks even when I'm not doing something silly Im the MAN

I've never gotten strange looks while eying my masterpiece.

Why would anyone think going over a perfect finish with a mf is funny :confused:

I showed up to the Saturn... uh umm! excuse me the buick dealership to get my oil change last week. I had 4 signs I had made of legal size paper that said do not wash. When I got their I parked at the service entrance, got out of my Sky and placed a sign on the glass of each side of the car. I taped each sign on while a couple customers looked on. Also inside the service dept. I could see the GM employees watching me. Anyway as soon as I walked through the door I didn't get a hello or welcome. Instead I got a rude look and a "we don't wash the cars here unless it's specifically requested".
I said, "Well, thats ok I'll leave them their just in case. One of the three staring at me replied "Well, those signs are obstructing the view so we will have to remove them before driving your car". So I said ok. Well rather then have them dragging their little grubbers across my glass I went back out and removed the signs. I was thinking it might have been nice if one of the 3 employees that had just been standing there watching me put them up had come out and kindly welcomed me and stopped me from wasting my time. Anyway after checking in the Assistant Service manager came out to get my VIN or something. He leans over the car and puts a big greasy hand print right on my hood. :mad::mad::mad: These guys drive me insane. There was no reason for him to lean on my paint excpet that he was too lazy not too. That was when I returned the strange look :)
at first I got the strange looks from my neighbors but now they are beginning to ask what is it I'm doing to get the cars to looks so good all the time and what I think their cars need.
I'd find a new place to have work done on my car. It's called customer service and some places still offer it. You just have to find them. I don't care if your car cost $500 or $500,000. You are still paying them.
I'd find a new place to have work done on my car. It's called customer service and some places still offer it. You just have to find them. I don't care if your car cost $500 or $500,000. You are still paying them.
:iagree: also "most" say it loosely but they only car about volume. had to have a new key cut for my wifes 2010 fusion and had an apointment at 8am last monday well after calling them 2hrs later they told me they didnt get to it and that it would be done at 11 ended up having to call them back at 1115 and it was done. to cut a key over 3 hrs!!! i mean had an apointment whats the deal? then look at their invoice and they charged my insurance company(key insurance highly recommend fo anyone with a smart key or programmable key pad) 265.00 and if i didnt have the ins could have gotten it cut and programmed for 165 through a locksmith. anyway sorry for straying off topic a bit but you take your vehicle to a dealership thinking you get good service and you end up not getting what you had hoped for.
My neighbors have gotten so used to it they don't even look anymore. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing. Maybe they've decided that I've just gone off the deep end and there's no hope.:buffing:
I to did get the "STRANGE LOOK" from the neighbors, but the funny thing is the car looks amazingly good even better than the newer cars on the block..
So now the the LOOK i get is their necks going from Left to
Right or Right to Left from when i drive past their house an they see their own reflection..
The best is when you are taking up close pictures of the paint, I know they are thinking what the heck I am doing! But I don't care.
I get comments from neighbors ALL the time. I just wave and smile. My family on the other hand thinks wait, make that knows I'm nuts