That "other" site is down...


New member
May 7, 2006
Reaction score
Now I see why we are getting an influx of new members. They look awfully familiar too. Could it be because the big "A" is down? Man, what will they do without having their battlefield for a whole day!?!?!?!

I don't ever go to (that other site) Dont realy like it to many kids running off at the mouth there!!
You mean there is another site like this? Can't be as great as AGO! Blasphamy! May a thousand birds poo on your roof!
It truly is amazing to see how fast has moved up the ranking in detail boards. We currently see over 170 posts a day. Amazing !
paradog said:
You mean there is another site like this? Can't be as great as AGO! Blasphamy! May a thousand birds poo on your roof!
That's a bad wish. Once I was waking through a parking lot (there is a lot of trees), and a bird pooped in front of me. It was 2 feet away. One extra step earlier, and... I don't want to even think about it.
supercharged said:
That's a bad wish. Once I was waking through a parking lot (there is a lot of trees), and a bird pooped in front of me. It was 2 feet away. One extra step earlier, and... I don't want to even think about it.

believe it or not thats usually good luck !! :p
I was amazed how many people signed up just for the Shmitt giveaway. I saw a ton of people who's first post was in that thread.
I prefer this site to the other one because this site is like a close knit family. The other one, man there is almost too much going on.
P1et said:
I was amazed how many people signed up just for the Shmitt giveaway. I saw a ton of people who's first post was in that thread.

:DNext time it will be a 50 post minimum to qualify!:p
i will agree with several people here . . . some of you may recognize my s/n from autopia....

there are certain times where people discuss somthing, be it a detail product or method . . to absolute death

there are also a significant ammount of young whipper snappers who like to mouth off with posts like "zymol is the best wax on the panet period" ( < gotta love stupidity like that, sometimes it cheers me up)

But as with any forum, if you make your posts clear, and allow others to express their oppinions the discussions will benefit everyone. Even professionals can learn somthing new . . .Respect should be given where respect is due . .

on autopia however, i feel more inclined to discuss products ag does not sell there, out of respect for this forum . . .

in any event, im glad to be a part of this family. American Express sure is . . .
killrwheels@autogeek said:
believe it or not thats usually good luck !! :p

I have been a long time member on that A group and at DC. I have been shopping at AG for years but only became a member here for two reasons (1) It offered me to talk about different products and (2) I really appreciated how Killr (being a sponsor and all that) is so honest about products performances/advice even if it means suggesting something that AG doesnt yet carry.

I like all the sites as each offer something different for me and have their place. Glad I am here.
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ashsarna said:
I have been a long time member on that A group and at DC. I have been shopping at AG for years but only became a member here for two reasons (1) It offered me to talk about different products and (2) I really appreciated how Killr (being a sponsor and all that) is so honest about products performances/advice even if it means suggesting something that AG does yet carry.

I like all the sites as each offer something different for me and have their place. Glad I am here.
Glad you joined our group.:grouphug:
A was what got me started when I needed to learn. I have not been happy with the way it feels like it pushes select products and does not seem as neutral as it used to. There are still many talented individuals on it, and I scan it still, but most questions I have I post here now.
I've noticed to that AGO is getting alot of new members and new posts per day. I don't think there is another site like here. We still keep the community in our forum here. That's what this is about. There is no stupid question nor post. I appreciate each and everyone of you here!
I love Autogeek too. I've been on many other forums as well, but to me AG is home. I love the atmosphere here. It really is like a community. You can post a question without fear of being ridiculed and everybody genuinley wants to help you to succeed. I mod on a couple of other forums but AGO is the only place where I come to just hang out.

To me, AG is the best!!:applause::awesome::grouphug::righton:Im the MAN
Smaller boards will have a more community like feel. Not that I wish it, but this one (although I don't post, I just absorb) *may* lose a little of that feel as it gets larger and larger. As it continues to mature some of those same questions that aren't dumb (and still won't be) might begin to wear upon senior members...

I've been a part of a lot of boards from their humble beginnings, and there is always a maturation process.. kind of a message board life cycle. That other board is perhaps still in its growth phase, but not as fast as this one. Let's all remember this as this board grows and continue to keep the community feel.
I think as long as the mods keep the SPAM and nonsense out, we will continue to have a community type board. Also, IF we get a chatroom it will help us just "hang out" if we want and make things more friendly. This place is a fun place to be and I hope it stays like this.