sealeant with easy removal

john b

New member
May 18, 2010
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hi all lookin for a good sealent that is easy to remove-wg-pb-dp ?Feed back please
You will get alot of different responses. I really like meg 21 for alot of reasons. Easy to work with, well priced, leaves slick finish, etc.

Entertain all answers and review threads involving them and choose what you think you want
I like WG but I have not tried every sealant. I apply with a PC and remove with a MF about 30 minutes later. I have a hard time believing that anything could be much easier to wipe off, but others will differ. Not an issue for me.

I chose WG for look not for ease of use, even though it is very easy to use. I wanted a sealant that looked like a carnauba wax with more of a shimmering liquid look vs. a candy apple sealant approach that looks more like a mirror. People differ on what they prefer and you need to consider look and application ease to meet your values.

You will also find that paint prep before LSP will greatly affect the final look. If you read the threads, some LSPs make a paint look darker and other brighter. Some make metallic fleck pop and others are more muted.

The easiest LSP to apply and remove with the best look that I've used is Optimum Car Wax. You spray it on and wipe it off like a QD. I think that DG AquaWAX is a synthetic wax so more of a sealant than a wax to me, but I prefer OCW.

The WOWA sealants like OS and Ultima might be even easier, but I can only try so many products at a time. Happy to try one but my finances require me to use what I have today (I have some great stuff so I can't complain). CEE DOG and OldTiger will recommend the Ultima WOWA, and I suggest listening to their recommendations. You want easy, well...

If I may be so bold to ask but what is more important to you, ease of removal or best look? I'd rather suffer a little more work (with long term durability) for my preference in look. I might love Souveran Paste but I don't have the time to wax every week. Your situation may be different.

I hope this helps.
One of my favorite things about WG sealant is the easy wipe off. Coming from KSG it was a very pleasant surprise. Even KAIO if you let it dry is a lot harder to remove.
Menzerna Power Lock all the way. I've tried DP Poli-Coat, Optimum Opti-Seal, WG Deep Gloss and Prima Epic, this one was really easy as well.
Both WG and Power Lock are awesome sealants that both go on easy and come off easy.
I think jet seal 109 is the best and can be layerd . But for easy off and cheap is rejex down side is cant be layer with topper wax .but on most jobs to day with prices down this is the way to go.
I've used a few easy on/off sealants:RejeX,BFWD,Wolfgang3.0 but have to agree with "master detailer" that JetSeal109 is also a easy on/off product as well.

I have a bottle of the Menzerna Power Lock waiting to be tried,good opinion's on this one.

Just for the record,the CG M-Seal is NOT the way to go.