How do I get this crud out of the wheels wells? *PIC*


New member
Nov 12, 2009
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It feels like concrete. Haven't tried anything yet. I'd like some ideas.

And it just might actually be concrete. You never know what gets spilled on our streets these days.
Mark if it is concrete there is something out there that is supposed to remove it. Sorry I can't remember what its called but I'm sure it will turn up with a search for concrete.
Mark if it is concrete there is something out there that is supposed to remove it. Sorry I can't remember what its called but I'm sure it will turn up with a search for concrete.
I saw a thread over at DC that had a picture of the stuff but I can't remember what it was called either but I am pretty sure it was purchased at Home Depot.
Mark, there is a product called Back Set. It will safely remove concrete. Top of the Line Supplies carries it.