Black car, not covered... best way to keep it nice?


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Jan 20, 2011
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I just got a 2005 black corvette,. It has very minimal amount of swirls as the previous owner did a great job at keeping them to a minimum

Unfortunately where i live, i have a private driveway but no garage.

I drive the car 2 nights a week to the gym, and on weekends to go out.

In the past i washed my car on fridays and it looked good all weekend.

My question is...

would you guys recommend a car cover? or would that make things worst?

What would be the best way to keep the car looking good without me having to get a garage?

So where is the car, and what kind of weather will it be in?
Car is in my driveway at home most days..... Not a daily driver, i have my saturn or bike for those duties. I do use it a few times a week for the gym and weekends.

Southern california, no bad weather for the most part.
I would continue as you are already doing with the once a week washing and limited driving

Not a car cover fan
I would wash it often and use proper washing and drying techniques. You can certainly consider covering (check city ordinances when parked on street) it with a Covercraft Weathershield or Noah. Consider the lock kit too !
I'm not much of a cover fan either...I ended up scratching and doing more harm than good.
IMO, if it's going to be outside...I wouldn't cover it. I've had to repair scratches and scuffs from many vehicles that had a cover on while being outside.

The windy days will wiggle that cover around on your paint and cause minor damage. It's repairable damage...but still damage. If you've got the space...I would look into a pop up shelter or something of that nature. Just an idea!:xyxthumbs: