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  • Hello, Kris. I'm Al. If you don't mind my asking, where did you purchase the bottle holders/caddy mounted on the rear door panels? Thx
    I would agree with that. They tend to have a lot of stuff that is affordable. But, when you get deeper into detailing...I prefer some higher grade brands. Malco is good for anything AIO, and all of your general chemical needs like APC, degreaser, wheel cleaner, leather conditioner, spray wax, etc. But, when you need a good sealant, wax, polish, compound...I'd stick with other products.
    Ok thank you very much and I feel like some of malcos stuff is good for the wholesale detailer because they usually just need something that holds up until the car is out of there especially for what they pay, you tend to just make things acceptable and move to the next. Ill definetly go for the 205 then thanks
    I've never used their Nano Polishing Creme. To be honest, I don't find any of malcos polishes, or compounds to be anything special. That being said, I've never tried that one. But, I've tried many...and find them all to be inferior.

    As an all in one...Glaze II is fantastic. I use it daily. The cherry flash wax is good for a quick wash & wax service, I usually apply it with the PC and a red pad.

    I wouldn't compare 205 to any of Malcos products that I've used. I'm a big fan of 205, I love that stuff. I don't know about permanently removing swirls...that's a bit bold of a statement. I've never completely removed swirls with 205. I've always had to go to 105. It does remove light imperfections though, really well actually.

    As for the Nano polishing creme following 105...I really wouldn't trust it. I like to follow 105 with 205...they work perfectly together.
    Hi Kris I have a random question for you, I see that you use Malco products ..I wanted to know how you would compare megs 205 to the Malco Nano polishing creme? I have a gallon of that, Glaze II and their Cherry Flash. In the 205 description it says it permanantly removes swirls and light imperfections but I hear alot of Malco's stuff is just fillers. I like the Polishing Creme I would say it's one of my favorites and I'm glad tony turned me to it but I'm not sure how it holds up especially if I use it after 105. I bet your busy so I don't mean to bug I'm just not sure If I could post my question on the Forum. Thanks
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