Similar tire dressing to 303 Protectant but CHEAPER?


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Jan 31, 2011
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Hey guys,

I'm about to do a large order with free shipping and I was wondering what tire dressings does Autogeek carry that are similar to 303 Aerospace Protectant?

It definitely has to be sold in gallon size and have that matte/satin finish that you get with the 303. It would be even better if it could be diluted with water too. I love my 303, but the stuff is just too expensive and I was wondering if there is something cheaper. Not looking for a gel either, it has to be a spray-on product.

I value your opinions,

Thanks guys! So diluting 1:1 you will be able to spray from a regular 32oz sprayer bottle without clogging it up?
Thanks guys! So diluting 1:1 you will be able to spray from a regular 32oz sprayer bottle without clogging it up?

Thats what I do and have not had any issues with sprayers.
So I read optimum lasts much longer. I'll probably get that instead.
I'm not sure I would say that the Opti-Bond would give you the same matte look as the 303, although I've not used the O-B that much nor diluted...but it was pretty glossy undiluted.

I find that in a lot of threads...the OP has specific criteria that people seem to ignore and just post their favorite products rather than ones that meet the criteria. In this case I would say that the Duragloss #253 (Duragloss Tire & Rubber Mat Dressing (TMD) #253) would be closer in gloss to 303, it is available in gallons (although AG doesn't seem to sell it in gallons...Meghan??). It's about 2/3 the cost of 303 in gallons and I think it might even go a little further. If you've used the older version of Z-16 it's very similar.

EDIT: IIRC you are placing a really big order, you might try calling Duane and see if he can hook you up with a gallon of the DG stuff.
Opti-bond is a nice matte finish when diluted. I do not like tires to be shiny. Having gloss black wheels I want them to look different then the tires. OB diluted has no to very little shine.

I think I did meet the criteria met by the OP. Cheaper and matte finish.
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Opti-bond is a nice matte finish when diluted. I do not like tires to be shiny. Having gloss black wheels I want them to look different then the tires. OB diluted has no to very little shine.

Ok...I'll take your word for that...that's cheaper than the DG and you're cutting it and it's available here...sounds like a win. Some day I'll use up my other tire dressings and get back to the Optimum ones.
I'm not sure I would say that the Opti-Bond would give you the same matte look as the 303, although I've not used the O-B that much nor diluted...but it was pretty glossy undiluted.

I find that in a lot of threads...the OP has specific criteria that people seem to ignore and just post their favorite products rather than ones that meet the criteria. In this case I would say that the Duragloss #253 (Duragloss Tire & Rubber Mat Dressing (TMD) #253) would be closer in gloss to 303, it is available in gallons (although AG doesn't seem to sell it in gallons...Meghan??). It's about 2/3 the cost of 303 in gallons and I think it might even go a little further. If you've used the older version of Z-16 it's very similar.

EDIT: IIRC you are placing a really big order, you might try calling Duane and see if he can hook you up with a gallon of the DG stuff.

I've never used 303, but the OP was asking for a low gloss, satin look to tires. In my experience I've achieved that with diluted Opti-Bond. There wasn't a fake sheen; instead I found that my tires looked black and like new. Having purchased eight new tires (4 all-seasons, 4 winters) in 2010, I have a very good idea what new tires look like!
I talked to Dr. G(CEO of optimum) about diluting opti-bond 1:1, and he told me he doesn't suggest it unless using an air compressor/spray gun to apply. It needs to be atomized for even coverage. I've used it diluted 1:1 out of a spray bottle and it sprays fine, but it's "globby" and when applied to the tires you can see where the solution just doesn't mix very well. Try optimum Tire Shine. It's meant to be sprayed out of a bottle and it's great stuff!
I just went outside and took a picture of my tires treated with Opti-bond. This is after one week. The last two days have been thunderstorms. They look as good as the day I put it on. Well, aside from the sand. Dang sand parking lots.
I've used it diluted 1:1 out of a spray bottle and it sprays fine, but it's "globby" and when applied to the tires you can see where the solution just doesn't mix very well.

Do you wipe it in after and does that defeat the "globbiness"? I usually spray my dressing on an applicator and wipe it on.
I apply mine the same way you do setec. I have notice no globiness.