Griot's Paint Prep Conflicting Information


New member
Jul 12, 2009
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Hi guys, I ordered some Griot's Paint Prep on BOGO. I haven't received it yet so I don't know what the bottle says. I was hoping someone could help me.

After purchasing a few weeks ago I saw this thread: which led me to believe it has to be rinsed off and used as a wash similar to how I currently use OPC or TAW.

However, just this morning I went ahead and looked at the AG description myself and found a contradiction with that thread "....spray on Griot's Garage Paint Prep, allow to dwell for 2-6 minutes, and wipe!"

What does the bottle say?

If I have to rinse this product off anyway I can still cancel that portion of my order. I have OPC and TAW that do that already.
When I used it many years back I remember it being a spray and wipe off product not a rinse. Kinda like Menzerna Finishing Spray. It removes polish and waxes and preps for new product. Dont remember any suggestion on rinsing being required.
Taken from the Griots website, Griot's Garage Paint Prep, 35 Ounces - Griot's Garage. The Paint Prep is rinsed off. The Pre-Wax Cleanser is wiped off. There are two videos at the bottom of the page that explain and demonstrate each product. (I think AG needs to fix their description for the Paint Prep.) I actually almost made the same mistake and bought the wrong thing. I guess it's possible that it can be wiped rather than rinsed. I am just going with what the videos stated.
It's a little odd that they show a guy rubbing paint with his gloved hand and not a mitt in that video.
Definitely rinse it off. The pre-wax cleaner can be wiped off.

They are used for 2 different things.

PWC = removing polishing oils
PP = stripping paint of wax and sealants
I would assume you can use the PP to remove polishing oils as well if you wanted to...right?
Thanks for the feedback guys.

So, what does the bottle say?
I don't own the PP but the PWC..



Hope that helps a little

Edit: I feel like a dumbass.
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The bottle says when using paint prep, to do one section at a time. I called Griot's and they told me do the whole car, you don't need to do one panel at a time.