Winter Battle Plan Poll


New member
May 1, 2011
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Just wondering about your plan for winter car care.

1) When_ Probably this weekend

2) What_ Dawn wash-Clay-Pinnacle paint cleanse-Wgdgps(2 coats)-Fuzion(2 coats)
I actually planned on painting my car over winter. My car is no gem...but I like it that way, ha. I've got a couple spots where rust poked through. I'm debating on whether or not to just paint the whole thing...or just those panels.

Trust me...this does tie in to the question. So, I was going to compound, polish, and seal the whole car. Then I'll be able to see what panels are good, and which ones need paint. Buuuut I may just paint the whole damn thing, ha. We shall see. All I know is...I don't like rust.
I have a couple of coatings I want to test but a good sealant and Collinite 845 once again for my 1999 Dodge Dakota.

It's still early but I'm starting to put a plan together...
My plan for winter is Durogloss 105/601 combo, topped with Collinite #845. I also plan on making sure that I have a few cases of beer, in case it gets real cold. !!!:props:
I'll wait another five or seven weeks then apply good old Collinite 845 on top of Pinnacle's Advanced Finishing Polish.
Anyone use Collinite 915 for winter protection?
Ill hold off as long as I can, probably until the end of or middle Oct.

Either WGDGPS topped with 845, or just straight 845 still undecided.
My plan for winter is Durogloss 105/601 combo, topped with Collinite #845. I also plan on making sure that I have a few cases of beer, in case it gets real cold. !!!:props:

Could you explain your process? I mean, how the beer works to ensure the sealant bonding if "it gets real cold"?
The beer help me to get through the day. Detailers withdrawal !!!
Looks like I'll be waiting a little longer too. Just checked UPS to see if my clay kit would

be here today.... Not til end of day Monday!!!!!!!Thats ok. Probably work on the

honeydoo list.
I have to wait until I get my supplies to do a rinseless wash. Then I will use Wolfgang Paintwork Polish Enhancer to remove all old LSP's and put down a coat of Deep Gloss Paint Sealant and two coats of Collinite 845.
Here's the plan....

My Car:
1. Strip off all old protection.
2. IronX and clay to decon paint.
3. Klasse AIO paint / wheels / glass. (Winter wheels are in storage)
4. Klasse SG x3. (Bullet Proof)
5. This is where I an unsure. I usually use #845 x2. But I may use Permanon.

Wife's Car:
1. Car is already protected by CQuartz.
2. Wash and top with Reload.
3. Final top up with Permanon just before the snow comes...
The fact that we have a winter plan thread already makes me very ill.
1. Wait for the floods and water to subside.
2. Wifes Civic - full detail. It gives me more practice on the DA. M105 on some bad spots, Klasse AIO, Klasse SG, Collinite 845.
3. My Charger. Minor swirl fix on a few areas with M105, and then KAIO, KSSG, and Collinite 845. And some new wheels with snow tires.
4. My old Mazda pickup - maybe 845.
The fact that we have a winter plan thread already makes me very ill.

I agree. But my plans are in progress with my wife's car - polish paint and apply Duragloss Nano Polish and Nano Clear Sealant beta. Not sure on the Neon though, maybe DG beta stuff too...

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The fact that we have a winter plan thread already makes me very ill.

RIGHT!!!! This thread is making me depressed...but happy for some reason...can you be both depressed and the...same.....awww forget it.

My Acura TSX I plan on Poli-Seal and then Collinite 915...maybe top with some Swissvac Concorso. Not sure yet.

I'm still debating one what to do for my fiance's RX450. Maybe I'll hit it with the Meg's MF system when I order it and then top it with Collinite 915 and some Swissvax.
Waiting for my shipment to arrive, but this seems to be my plan:

Wash: P21S
Clay: Griots Speed
P21S Paintwork Cleanser

A nice chianti with some fava beans.
Well I'm basically set, complete strip and then polish two weeks ago and topped with 1 coat WGDGPS and 2 coats SSII. Will probably add another coat of SSII at some point but I'm figuring with the "mild" weather we have here (compared to the rest of the country) I should be good to go until March detail time.