Wool and glaze.

luv a shine

New member
Aug 7, 2011
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I was in another details shop today. The detailer was using wool to wool/dewalt/swirl remover and glaze in one. I was under the impression that wool causes fine scratches.wtf?
I'm sorry, what's the question? What you saw was standard hack detailing shop practice. Did they put the pad face down on the concrete when they were done?
This guy sounds old school. Give him a link to our lovely forum :)
Yup...sounds like MOST detail "shops". Should have slipped a card in the glove box of that car. That customer is going to need you soon, haha.

A wool pad is far too aggressive to buff a simple glaze. Of course the glaze will mask the buffer trails for now...but give it some time, and the sun will expose that detailers ill informed method. I don't even really think the glaze would prevent some horrible sun shots right off the bat.