Window Cleaner as IPA Wipedown?!?!


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Jan 5, 2011
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We recently changed vendors and received a gallon of Glass Cleaner and upon mixing the first batch at 20:1 I couldn't help but think..... IPA WIPEDOWN! I pulled in my freshly washed vehicle that was hit with Aquawax and hit the rear quarter panel and boy did it leave it squeaky clean and dry .... Hmmmmm, I wonder if I'm onto something here!?!?!!!
Anyone try this before or do it now?
On really nasty interiors I use IPA first on the inside of the windshield and finish with glass cleaner.
I have to find the thread but I believe Barry Theal uses it when he does some heavy paint correction .
CeeDog thanks for chiming in, I was referring to using it for stripping a LSP
I'm pretty sure I remember this from a number of years ago, being mentioned as a wipedown technique.
On really nasty interiors I use IPA first on the inside of the windshield and finish with glass cleaner.

Interesting thread and comment Cee Dog.

On the Tahoe I recently finished detailing (cigar chain smoker) I first tried Meguire's glass cleaner (that's so highly praised here) and it wouldn't even begin to cut this stuff. Here's what I did:

It had gotten dark and I was running short on time. Since the rear windows were tinted black I decided to crawl inside the rear hatch with my trusty LED flash light and just take a look at the windows to see if the LED would allow me to see the dirt. It worked flawlessly and actually enhanced my ability to see what was being wiped off.

I started with Meguire's glass cleaner and applied it four different times to one window. Frustration was mounting, because I didn't have any other glass cleaner on hand because I didn't think I needed any (since Meg's glass cleaner is held in such high regard). Then I tried Meg's APC+ at 20:1 and with two passes it was able to remove this stubborn, thick (90,000 miles thick), nicotine residue. This meant a third pass (squirt down with Meg's glass cleaner to finish) was required to complete that one window. Still, that wasn't good enough for me.

I then remembered that I had a half gallon of 90% IPA in the house. I poured some in a sprayer and used it without diluting. To make this story short let me just say this. One spray down to remove all of the heavy nicotine and a second pass for a flawless finish. Mind you I used a LED flashlight and it allow me to see every single detail of the glass, whether it was clean or not that is. Usually early morning sun (as in the drive to work), or late evening sun (as in the drive home from work) is where we always discover the spots we missed.

Needless to say, I was thoroughly impressed with using straight 90% IPA on factory tinted windows with no issues. I say no issues with the tinting because I was somewhat concerned what it may do to the tint. I assume factory tinted glass is actual tinted glass and not some coating or plastic tint.

Another thing that's important to note with my above comments in using 90% IPA is that is was night time as previously mentioned, and it was only about 60-65 degrees outside. The cool tempertures caused the alcohol to not flash as quickly, allowing it more time to work on the crud.

On really nasty interiors I use IPA first on the inside of the windshield and finish with glass cleaner.

Interesting thread and comment Cee Dog.

On the Tahoe I recently finished detailing (cigar chain smoker) I first tried Meguire's glass cleaner (that's so highly praised here) and it wouldn't even begin to cut this stuff. Here's what I did:

It had gotten dark and I was running short on time. Since the rear windows were tinted black I decided to crawl inside the rear hatch with my trusty LED flash light and just take a look at the windows to see if the LED would allow me to see the dirt. It worked flawlessly and actually enhanced my ability to see what was being wiped off.

I started with Meguire's glass cleaner and applied it four different times to one window. Frustration was mounting, because I didn't have any other glass cleaner on hand because I didn't think I needed any (since Meg's glass cleaner is held in such high regard). Then I tried Meg's APC+ at 20:1 and with two passes it was able to remove this stubborn, thick (90,000 miles thick), nicotine residue. This meant a third pass (squirt down with Meg's glass cleaner to finish) was required to complete that one window. Still, that wasn't good enough for me.

I then remembered that I had a half gallon of 90% IPA in the house. I poured some in a sprayer and used it without diluting. To make this story short let me just say this. One spray down to remove all of the heavy nicotine and a second pass for a flawless finish. Mind you I used a LED flashlight and it allow me to see every single detail of the glass, whether it was clean or not that is. Usually early morning sun (as in the drive to work), or late evening sun (as in the drive home from work) is where we always discover the spots we missed.

Needless to say, I was thoroughly impressed with using straight 90% IPA on factory tinted windows with no issues. I say no issues with the tinting because I was somewhat concerned what it may do to the tint. I assume factory tinted glass is actual tinted glass and not some coating or plastic tint.

Another thing that's important to note with my above comments in using 90% IPA is that is was night time as previously mentioned, and it was only about 60-65 degrees outside. The cool tempertures caused the alcohol to not flash as quickly, allowing it more time to work on the crud. Next time I get a chance to clean some real dirty glass I'll clean the glass again at dark with the LED and I'll try and get some pictures to demonstrate the process.

We recently changed vendors and received a gallon of Glass Cleaner and upon mixing the first batch at 20:1 I couldn't help but think..... IPA WIPEDOWN! I pulled in my freshly washed vehicle that was hit with Aquawax and hit the rear quarter panel and boy did it leave it squeaky clean and dry .... Hmmmmm, I wonder if I'm onto something here!?!?!!!
Anyone try this before or do it now?

Without knowing all of the ingredients/chemicals and their %, including any IPA and its % (MSDS), can't comment on the "safeness" of your Glass Cleaner being used for an IPA Wipedown on paint. There is also the issue of what residues would be left on the paint from your Glass Cleaner's chemicals, (other than IPA), if any.

As Setec Astronomy commented, this has been a topic many times before.

I'd like to suggest a Mike Phillips article:

Also, if you're going to use IPA for paint wipedowns, IMO, purchasing IPA (to be diluted) in bulk would be more cost effective than "glass cleaners". That, or mineral spirits by bulk, being among other paint-wipedown-products.


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Glass cleaners as an effective wipe down/wax stripper is why I always clean the glass and aquaseal my windows before I seal and wax the paint. Just in case I accidently drip, overspray or spill any glass cleaner on the paint...never really do, but you never know and it may destroy the 2 layers of sealant (with 24 hour cure times each) as well as a layer of wax.
CeeDog thanks for chiming in, I was referring to using it for stripping a LSP

Akk, I didn't read. Sorry about that. :(

Bill, the same thing happened to me with a heavy smokers car which was what made me try the IPA as well. I agree it knocked it out quick!

Fred, apologies again for the derail. Highjack ended :nomore:
Why risk chemically etching paint with IPA, even at higher dilution ratios, when something like Klean Strip Prep All is available at Wally World.

As for the glass cleaner, I would think Meg's might be safe and not leave any residue.
I recently used "Film Buster" glass cleaner to remove polishing oils before applying Opti-Coat 2.0 and noticed no ill effects like etching or streaking. I have yet to try it on a dark color though.
Why risk chemically etching paint with IPA, even at higher dilution ratios, when something like Klean Strip Prep All is available at Wally World.

As for the glass cleaner, I would think Meg's might be safe and not leave any residue.

Maybe at your Wally World. I had to go through a nutroll to find any around here and we got all them stores. Now that I got some it is my go to thanks to Bobby G.
I use IPA on windows and to prep paint before waxing. It works great. IPA evaporates very fast. I don't believe it will etch paint...unless you leave it soaking on paint for days and days. I read the thread about ipa may discolor paint, i haven't seen it yet. i use ipa cause its $1.20 for 32 oz. 1:1 with dislted water/91%ipa and it leaves a streak free shine on glass.
Well I personally went out to the floor today and showed the guys a thing or two ... My Black Tahoe is slick ... Like PL every month and you guys know how PL is anyhow we went over methods and steps and I came to find out that windows are most times out of ten last... Well I showed them how liberally spraying down a windows close to the edges can inadvertently get onto paint and how GC can strip an LSP due to it's alcohol content (went on to GClean another panel and show them the squeaky test compared to another panel) and we soon agreed that windows would be second to third to last before our last touch (either Last Touch or the AquaWax) ... This thread did do some good after all!
I highly recomend Eraser... Will have my review posted very soon
I once saw Kevin Brown use Meg's Glass Cleaner @ 5:1 for an IPA wipe down.

I use Eraser.