XMT 360 on BOGO or Klasse AIO

Ryan R

New member
Sep 17, 2011
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Is it worth buying the XMT on bogo or just stick with getting the Klasse AIO at regular price?
all in one products means they don't do any one thing well. you will be looking at 1-2months protection at best, they have less cut than a polish like m205. and the cleaning ability, any polish will do that.

I bought xmt360 on recommendation. I thought it would be a time saver for daily drivers that want there car to be "shinny." It saves 15mins. In fairness I have had a few great results with xmt360, but only on soft clear coats. I also bought the fine green LC pad cause people said it would work best with xmt360. I also thought glazes would show deeper shines, but that has not been my experience.

In my view stick with what works and what works every time. m105/m205 and your favorite wax/sealant like collnite 845.

edit, D151 also comes with big recommendations. it really depends on what your customer wants and how much they are willing to pay. I charge by the hour and I want my customer to have good long lasting protection. Some detailers use products that only last a short while, like waxes that only last a month for a reason.
I understand the longevity of it. But there's always the people who don't want to spend the money on a full paint correction. So this is where i use the AIO.
I always explain the durability and the longevity issues with AIO and that is usually where I up sell myself.
So when comparing the AIO's I'm looking for the better one .
Is it worth buying the XMT on bogo or just stick with getting the Klasse AIO at regular price?
Kassel AIO has zero correction ability, while XMT has very little. I recently tried D151 on an orange pad and was unimpressed with its correction ability. Granted, the clearcoat was hard, but still, it barely made a difference.
I think I answered my own question...
For those who don't want or don't want to pay for a full correction or swirl removal I'd be better off with just a pre wax cleanser and sealant.
I'll get the clean wax ready surface and longer lasting protection.
So no AIO for me
I agree with what everyone has said, but I would add that Klasse sucks! Auto Geek puts the stuff (the all-in-one cleaner and the sealant) in their "forum favorite" set, but in truth the sealant sucks too. You can read one complaint after another from people who have uses the Klasse sealant. It's awful stuff!
I have both KAIO and XMT 360. IMO AIO product are more for reviving gloss and hiding minor imperfections; not true defect removal or sealant grade protection.

KAIO is a good chemical cleaner and a good base for KSG. IME it doesn't have any real correction of filling ability. The protection it leaves is minimal and I wouldn't use it as a standalone product. But like I said it is a great base for KSG.

XMT 360 has more fillers and protection than KAIO. IME it is good and bringing back the gloss that some vehicle are lacking especially when you want to try and remove or hide minor imperfections. IME it has a life span of 2-3 months. I am sure D151 is another option here as well. But like Mark said: Don't expect to get great correction results. Mostly improved gloss.
I guess it doesn't hurt to have an AIO(D151) on hand in case you run into soft paint with minimal swirls. Then, I could see where the correction ability might be effective.

However, every time I've done a test spot with an AIO, I've been less than satisfied.

I have both KAIO and XMT 360. IMO AIO product are more for reviving gloss and hiding minor imperfections; not true defect removal or sealant grade protection.

KAIO is a good chemical cleaner and a good base for KSG. IME it doesn't have any real correction of filling ability. The protection it leaves is minimal and I wouldn't use it as a standalone product. But like I said it is a great base for KSG.

XMT 360 has more fillers and protection than KAIO. IME it is good and bringing back the gloss that some vehicle are lacking especially when you want to try and remove or hide minor imperfections. IME it has a life span of 2-3 months. I am sure D151 is another option here as well. But like Mark said: Don't expect to get great correction results. Mostly improved gloss.
Troy makes some good points. :props:
I would put XMT 360 over KAIO in correcting ability. I used XMT 360 a lot this summer on my boat. Very easy to use and the sun and would cut through mild oxidation easily.
directly answering the op's original question - picking 360 up on bogo will be a better value than kAIO, although i like both products for instances when I don't need full paint correction/defect removal - matching product/process to customers' needs and all that.
AIO's have their place and purpose, basically IMO a pick me up if you will between polishing sessions. I use KAIO on certain surfaces, like the all glass/composite roofs on some german cars(MBZ pano roof's/BMW CF roofs). Have not used XMT 360 but can't beat the BOGO deals if you're going to use that much of it.
XMT 360 has abrasives,chemical cleaners, and protection. Klasse AIO only has chemical cleaners and protection
KAIO is a great chemical cleaner but in some of my testing, just one application of Iron X with a little agitation was able to remove it.
There are factors that you have to take into consideration to determine if any AIO will work for the specific application on the specific vehicle's paint you are detailing. IMO/E Klasse AIO is great for newer paint that you are not correcting but needs cleaning up/mild polishing. As for XMT360, I have removed some heavy oxidation on SS paint with it and seen it last for well over 2-3 months. The only down fall with xmt360 is that is can load up the pad, and is not the easiest product to remove from pads either. The results that Mike got on his buddies Toy. Highlander speak for XMT360. I personally got pretty good results on a white Tundra recently but, compounding that particular truck would have been a better first step, then followed by an AIO like 360. Toy ss white paint is literally as hard a titanium, so it was true test for any AIO or even a normal polish. For softer clear coat paint you can't go wrong with 360 and a light cutting pad, IMO.
I love AIO's for my wash and wax service. Usually when I do a wash and wax I sell it just with a paint cleaner before waxing. With an AIO I can add a little bit of correction on top of the paint cleaning. It doesn't take me much more time, and I can get a car back to a customer looking better than it would have. I do always top with a sealant or wax, so durability isn't an issue for me.
Unless you need a strong (possibly the strongest) chemical cleaner, you aren't going to be happy with KAIO. Some uses where KAIO excels:

-cleaning up plastic trim
-removing LSP's prior to using something new
-a base for KSG

If you don't need it for one of the above, there are much better products. In general true AIOs (clean, polish, protect) are fantastic for daily drivers. Not everyone needs or wants a 2/3 stage polish. Modern AIOs can provide durable protection too. I've been getting a solid 6 months of beading with ZAIO.
I agree with what everyone has said, but I would add that Klasse sucks! Auto Geek puts the stuff (the all-in-one cleaner and the sealant) in their "forum favorite" set, but in truth the sealant sucks too. You can read one complaint after another from people who have uses the Klasse sealant. It's awful stuff!

You just dont know how to use it correctly yet. ;) Once you get the hang of it you'll understand why its so great. It has better durability and gloss than 845 and, imo, is 10x easier to use.


With that being said, AIO's do have their place. Pre-lsp preps/1 steppers, whatever. I personally get very good correction with D151. You just have to use it accordingly. For instance with heavy correction, I use both my rotary and da together. First hit with wool to knock down the swirls and half way through finish up with the da and white pad. It's little tricks like this(1 step, two machines) that helps speed up the process and gives good correction ability.
You just dont know how to use it correctly yet. ;) Once you get the hang of it you'll understand why its so great. It has better durability and gloss than 845 and, imo, is 10x easier to use.

I tried out Klasse SG for the first time a little over a month ago. It for sure probably the most particular LSP I have used. You have to prep right, apply right, ect. BUT after getting the hang of it, it is in deed amazing. I don't have any time right now and my ride's already prep'd for winter but in the spring I plan on Klasse AIO, 2 coats of Klasse SG, then for the next 3 months use it as a spray sealant. Hopefully it'll look like my car is dipped in glass by the time its finished :) Im the MAN
Could you use KAIO to clean stubborn areas on chrome wheels, and then seal it with the stuff? Does it work well on plastics?

As for the sealer, I think there are better looking sealers (WG for example) that are much, much easier to use. If you are looking simply for long protection then why not just go to quartz, etc. They last much longer and probably look better.