Just got a letter from my Dad! (Jim's Garage-Part II)


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Jul 12, 2009
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I just got this great letter from my Dad today and I just had to share with the rest of the community! I know you guys love this garage makeover stuff as much as I do Im the MAN

Dear Son,
I know I have been a poor father, but in my defense, I had no idea until the court ordered the DNA test!

To try and make amends, I will write the garage makeover products to you in my soon to be ammended will. I attached a few teaser pics since there is much to do before it is finished.

The first show the Fujitsu split HVAC. It is a great unit and will warm up the UN-insulated garage in about 30 minutes. I have insulators coming next weeek.



There is a close up of the interlocking tile with the edging during a door-open rain.


I tracked some stuff in. Your Step Mom wanted me to clean it up. I wanted to show you the tile in less than ideal conditions. It isnt slippery when wet! Use your mocassins on this floor or as Ed said it is quite noisy if you dont put landscaping cloth under, as Ed,aka Porshe Pilot recommends. You wont sneak up on you know who with this floor!

Last, some of the Gladiator Premier (GP) cabinets arrived. Six more should be in next week! These are the Crown Jewel of your inheritance IMO!


Please will these to my grandsons cause they will last many lifetimes! They are welded of 20 gauge steel that is powder coated. Has magnets that will HOLD doors closed,and the biggest casters I have ever seen! I filled the tall one and asked your Step Mom to take a picture, I had the MasterBlaster in the Amazing Metro Bag you got me for Christmas on the bottom shelf.


I'm sure she wouldn't purposefully cut it off of the Pic. She has almost quit beating me while I try to sleep. Maybe in a few years she wont make you call her Mrs, Olson anymore! I will update you as the garage evolves!

Love, Dad!

Well, there you have it! All I can say is I have the best Dad ever!!

Dad, thanks again for sharing those :Picture: with me! I hope you didn't mind me sharing them with the rest of the community! :laughing:
Oh, by the way those cabinets are simply incredible!! As much a you told me about them I am still blown away seeing them in person! Floor looks gorgeous!! Love the climate control!! Woohoo, you'll be knocking out those cars in style this year!! One other thing...guess what came in the mail today? :) :gidiup: Thanks for twisting my arm Dad!!
Awesome thread Corey, and your father has some great goodies in that garage!! :laughing:

Thank you too Jim!! :props:
Definitely an awesome dad! Better watch out Corey, his detailing addiction may surpass yours.
Would like to have that fujitsu unit! That is one sweet setup.
Awesome thread Corey, and your father has some great goodies in that garage!! :laughing:

Thank you too Jim!! :props:

He sure does Bobby! Stepma sure took some great pics to go with Dads letter too! :). Although... She still won't acknowledge me when I call Dad :cry: she just hands the phone to him... Like it's my fault what he did before I was born? :dunno:

Definitely an awesome dad! Better watch out Corey, his detailing addiction may surpass yours.

LOL! That would be difficult for him with as generous as he is!! I must say though knowing what I know... I think he surpassed it long ago! At least now I know where I get it from :bolt:

Would like to have that fujitsu unit! That is one sweet setup.

Me too!! Im the MAN
Awesome thread Corey, and your father has some great goodies in that garage!! :laughing:

Thank you too Jim!! :props:
Bobby, theere is a 20 ft enclosed trailer in my yard that is full of stuff waiting for the cabinets when the rest arrive later this week!
Fantastic taste in products Jim. Our garages are eerily similar....same floor, gladiators and god knows what else! You have done a fantastic job. Just wait till you are in there on a nice 98 degree SC summer day. A little bit of heaven with that ac blowin.
Double dose of garage envy... I don't think I can take much more!
Fantastic taste in products Jim. Our garages are eerily similar....same floor, gladiators and god knows what else! You have done a fantastic job. Just wait till you are in there on a nice 98 degree SC summer day. A little bit of heaven with that ac blowin.
Thanks Ed! I am pleased to hear we got to the same place from different places! I will update when the other 6 cabinets arrive and I can stow my stuff again.
Fantastic taste in products Jim. Our garages are eerily similar....same floor, gladiators and god knows what else! You have done a fantastic job. Just wait till you are in there on a nice 98 degree SC summer day. A little bit of heaven with that ac blowin.
It started with the lighting you recommended way back in the Spring! Love them!
That floor is going to be impossible to keep clean. Should've gone with a darker color
That floor is going to be impossible to keep clean. Should've gone with a darker color
Actually, Corey did a lot of research on flooring forums and thay say the opposite. Kind of like car finishes. My Grayy Audi shows a lot less dirt than my black Ford. Time will tell.