Proper Pressure Washer set up with Foam Cannon


New member
May 10, 2011
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Ok so I have seen a few guys having questions with the power washer set up. This can bit a bit confusing. I will try and make this as simple as well as informative as possible. I will also explain why this particular washer was chosen.

What you will need.

Power Washer (Home Depot)
Foam Cannon (AutoGeek)
5 extra fittings from (Home Depot)
Extra Hose from (Home Depot)

First I will start off with the pressure washer and why I choose this washer.

Cleanforce 1,800 psi 1.5 GPM Axial Cam Heavy-Duty Electric Pressure Washer


I choose this washer for a few reasons. I understand some other have these features but I found this one to have the most that a usable by us detailers.

  • It can both lay down and sit upright. Make it easier to lay on its back and can still roll if need be.
  • It can hold your pressure tips and wand
  • The powercord and hose both are on a reel.
  • The hose fittings and wand fittings are made of that of a higher end gas washer. This means no more plastic specific fittings.
  • The power ban is around the right pressure combined with the proper tip which is included.


Next here are the fittings you will need.

this is 3 of the 5 total needed


this is the final 2 of the 5. first one on left being a step down fitting into a quick disconnect.


The next thing will be the hose and I will also explain why this hose as well as why do you need hose.

  • This hose has quick connect fittings. Less likely of cross threading and less hassle.
  • More hose is easier to deal with and less likely to hit car. If you are fighting with limited hose while doing a car it can be both frustrating and dangerous.
  • Also as you can see the hose is labeled GAS. We all know that gas fittings are more durable and available.



Now we will move into piecing it all together.

Step One the WAND

Grab the wand end where your connections such as tips and foam gun will attach it should look like this


Now grab your 2 fittings that you put together from your step down to quick disconnect. Should look like this.


Now this is going to screw into your front of the wand like this.


Now this should look like this.


Allowing you to connect all standard Pressure Washer utilities like this



Now for the quick connect on the back of the wand where your hose connects this two should look like this.


When They are connected should look like this


Now for your last 2 fittings they should look like this


Connect them to look like this


Now go to your pressure washer and grab the end of the hose.


Now connect your fitting like this



Now you should be ready to go with all simple , safe and most of all easy quick connects and disconnects.

Now your extra hose should connect like this


Your wand should connect like this


And you should be washing like this Im the MANEnjoy.

[ame=]Express Auto Detailing C-Quartz Finest - YouTube[/video]
Thanks for the help! Have been thinking about picking up a foam cannon for too long now.
Thanks for the help! Have been thinking about picking up a foam cannon for too long now.

I bought one about 7 months ago, i love washing the vett with it, get with Nick he will set you up with best one for your needs.

Oh, and it make washing the car fun.

Excellent writeup Brandon! Thanks for taking your precious time to help others my friend! :props:

Hi Tom! How you been?
The process works well for a two person team plus you had someone with a camera.

Does the pressure washer have adjustable pressure or just rely on the tip selection to create the mist?

I assume all the rinsing was to prevent it from water spotting. I wonder why you did not just rinse, foam down the entire car, wash while rinsing mitt as you go, then rinse.
The process works well for a two person team plus you had someone with a camera.

Does the pressure washer have adjustable pressure or just rely on the tip selection to create the mist?

I assume all the rinsing was to prevent it from water spotting. I wonder why you did not just rinse, foam down the entire car, wash while rinsing mitt as you go, then rinse.

The guy with the camera was the owners son. I am not sure what this has to do with anything relevant to the car washing or process of the car being washed.

The tips that come with this washer are great. They the strongest one is still very mild. So yes I rely on the tips for pressure.

I am not always a 2 man team, this still works perfect. Yes the rinsing it to prevent from spot thus keeping the car cool. The reason I have this method is this is one of the safest methods I have discovered over the last 10 years. Here it is ussaly around 98 degrees with 80% humidity and a car will dry faster than you can even think. If you where to rinse , soap , sit , rinse than soap than wash. You would have a disaster. Not to mention the proper lubrication would not be maintained. also while rinsing out the sponge would slow the process down. Which us a huge key and would even add more probability to water spots.
I have this very same pressure washer. I recently bought it after my Stanley pooped out on me (as expected). I bought it for all the same reasons you did. But, have not upgraded it like this...but have wanted to since I got it.

Thanks, cause this will make my transition a piece of cake now! :dblthumb2:
The guy with the camera was the owners son. I am not sure what this has to do with anything relevant to the car washing or process of the car being washed.

For many detailers, documenting the work is part of the marketing process and can take time.
I love my Troy-Bilt gas 3k Pressure washer with the Honda engine. It rocks and I didn't need a single extra adapter to make the MTM work, with the quick release end it comes with the MTM just snapped in place and away I went foaming!!
I love my Troy-Bilt gas 3k Pressure washer with the Honda engine. It rocks and I didn't need a single extra adapter to make the MTM work, with the quick release end it comes with the MTM just snapped in place and away I went foaming!!

FINALLY... I believe there's an ultra-easy and cheap way with just TWO small adapters/parts to make the AR Blue 383 work with the MTM Hydro Foam Cannon flawlessly! Going to try it today!

Check out the solution here:
The tips that come with this washer are great. They the strongest one is still very mild. So yes I rely on the tips for pressure.

ExpressDetail thank you for such a detailed first post. I see the merits of the foam cannon but am undecided about the pressure washer. Not the brand but if one is really necessary. I see many detailers just using a garden hose attached to the foam cannon. I'm guessing it can save time. Can you provide me some insight? Thanks.
I've played with various amounts of DP xtreme foam wash and settled on an amount that produces a "sticking foam" that hangs on the vehicle for a while. IMO , the lambo foam was thin and watery. Maybe I'm using too much product????
I love my Troy-Bilt gas 3k Pressure washer with the Honda engine. It rocks and I didn't need a single extra adapter to make the MTM work, with the quick release end it comes with the MTM just snapped in place and away I went foaming!!
Well you are using gas. I do not like the loud banging of a gas pressure washer nor do I care for 3k worth of pressure. I have a generator that I use while doing airplanes and the occasional mobile job. I absolutely hate the GGGGGGGKKKKKKGGHHHKKKKKKKKKKKKK of the generator much less adding a gas generator to the mix. Not mention some people are limited on space for there mobile set up thus adding a gas pressure washer and a generator is a lot of space.

ExpressDetail thank you for such a detailed first post. I see the merits of the foam cannon but am undecided about the pressure washer. Not the brand but if one is really necessary. I see many detailers just using a garden hose attached to the foam cannon. I'm guessing it can save time. Can you provide me some insight? Thanks.

I have had both. I would by far recommend the pressure washer set up over the garden hose set up. You use way less water with a pressure washer. Being I use excessive water this helps out a lot. The use of a pressure washer seems to far better than the garden hose set up. Sometime I wonder how I ever got away with the garden hose set up. I have been though multiple hose set ups over the years and would highly recommend the one listed. I still have some improvements but will definitely be built off this core set up listed.

I've played with various amounts of DP xtreme foam wash and settled on an amount that produces a "sticking foam" that hangs on the vehicle for a while. IMO , the lambo foam was thin and watery. Maybe I'm using too much product????
It is up to your preference etc. I believe that you do want some stick. But also the right amount of water means less foam but also helps maintain the car cooler as well as creates the right balance of lubrication.So ultimately yes I think to much stick is bad.

You are right about finding the correct mixture. Also note I am using Iron X snow foam which you can but again I prefer not to dilute do to the fact it attacks Iron. If you add water this will only start the chemical reaction before it even gets close to hiting the vehicle where this particular reaction should take place.
ExpressDetail again thanks. Yea I agree your set up looks sweet. After more research I did come up with that answer. I'm leaning towards getting a set up like yours. Why recreate the wheel?
ExpressDetail again thanks. Yea I agree your set up looks sweet. After more research I did come up with that answer. I'm leaning towards getting a set up like yours. Why recreate the wheel?

Because if no one would re-invent the wheel, we'd still be stuck with this:

Went to home depot and bought this upgrade but can't seem to find some of the parts...any help would be appreciated

last one on the right


and this one