Stink BOMB


New member
Oct 10, 2012
I hope everybody enjoyed their holidays first and foremost...Now I have this minor problem in one of the family cars and i came to a conclusion that nothing will work unless its one of those air freshener bombs. You know, those things that ag sells, i think theyre called dakota odor bombs. Can somebody PLEASE chime in and tell me where to get any sort of odor bomb, because i need one now! I cant wait on an order from ag at this time. PLEASE! lol the smell is too weirdFeed back please
I don't know anywhere local that I know that's sells the odor bombs. However I have used a product called Ozium that is available locally. It's an aerosol but you have to hold the trigger down, you can't just throw it in and let it go. It's should take care of your odor. Just coat everything real well.

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My brother tried cleaning his trunk with a sponge he found in the garage. Turns out that spnge was old and musty. The trunk has this fabric carpet type material. The thing is, the smell wasn't all too bad until I tried to get rid of it. I feel like I reactivated the bad smell lol, it got worse once I sprayed air freshener and scrubbed with fabric cleaner.
Man I used that cg odor eater the orange one. It didnt work for me, although it is a good product. I believe it was an enzyme cleaner
Maybe rent an ozone machine like they use for smoke removal after fires and let it run all day and night?
I am not based in the US so cannot give specific recommendations. However, I can advise you on the chemical approach and someone might be able to tell you which products are appropriate to this.

The bomb cleaners are a good start but be aware that not all of these will actually break down bad odours so can sometimes be little more than a mask. Of course, it it contains active additives then this is not the case. Someone also mentioned enzyme based cleaners - what you actually want is a biological product which combines active bacteria with the old school enzymes (what this means is that it starts working immediately and doesn't need the huge dwell times necessary of pure enzymatic products). Also do stick to a specific odour targeted product. There are many types of 'enzyme' products and (certainly in the UK) people do not realise that one enzyme does not fit all applications. Final recommendation is to look for products containing ricinoleates - these are chemical agents which specifically target the chemical structures typically responsible for nasty niffs. If your product contains this then it should do a good job.

All the best