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  • Part two For example my car is wearing just one coat of dodo juice, not two coats of klasse topped with two coats if bfwdps topped with two coats of dodo lol, I'm running wax.. And it's going great so I'm saving money and have arguably the same finish and protection as others with probably a little less durability, because the Nuba is usually the only product that makes a noticeable difference after application ( excluded glazes and some great sealants, bfwdps is great but a Nuba should still over ride that ) any other questions never hesitate to ask man!
    Thanks man! What made the biggest difference in my paint.. Would be my paint correction idk if you've read it before but if you google son1c blue paint correction it'll come up, that's where I really turned this car around
    I like black light and v7 it's one of my summer combos because if you just use that it won't last long
    If I'm washing and not adding a coat of wax or sealant ill always buff my finish up with a nice thin coat of v7 it really is a great product
    Pete's 53 definitely added some nice reflectivity and depth to my paint when I used to, however right now dodo juice waxes are my favorite for what they do and their ease of use
    My biggest advice is just keep it simple, so many people try to over complicate it...
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