Video Review - How Chemically Resistant is Opticoat?


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Jun 16, 2012
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Hello everyone, I recently made a thread about opticoat beading and sheeting, and I also wanted to show just how awesome this stuff is. If you are one of those guys that hate detailing your car, then imo, you should look into this. If you are someone who is super anal about their car, and you really enjoy waxing, washing, and polishing, then this is probably not the product for you.

Opticoat is this really cool coating that once it bonds to your car it becomes like a second clear coat. I wanted to show just how resistant this stuff is to very strong all purpose cleaner... Straight!

Check it out and let me know what you think!

Video Review - How Chemically Resistant is Opticoat? - YouTube

For best viewing experience, watch in full screen and HD. All my videos are recorded in HD!
Holy Crap Roshan..... straight OPC and you are laying it thick!!

Thanks for the review!
Definitely considering this when summer rolls around and I can spend a good weekend correcting my car.

Thanks for the video!
Hi Roshan...and thanks for your: Chemical Resistance Testing of OC 2.0

Often Labs will run similar "Chemical Resistance (failure) Testing" such as: ASTM D543...
Simultaneously/Alongside..."Ageing Studies" such as: ASTM D2565-D4459.

And NO!! You may not run any "Ageing Studies" on me.
"The Good Wife" has already made sure I was tested.

Speaking of Tests...
Our AGO forum friend WRXINXS (Drew) has presented
what I'll call a true-conumdrum in the below thread.


Since you already have access to an OC'ed vehicle:
What are the chances you may be able to assist in this puzzler
by performing another Chemical Resistance Test?


A resolution of this paradoxical scenario has, seemingly,
evaded any logical postulations of mine.


Sorry, but I'm not impressed.

This is nothing that Collinite 476 Super Doublecoat can't do.

Plus, with one can of 476, I can wax every car in every dealership in this one horse town.

When I see you dump pure Hydrocloric Acid on the paint, and nothng happens, maybe I'll then be a believer.
I recall watching a tv commercial showing some guy dumping lighter fluid on the hood and lighting it. I think it was for NuFinish.

Very dramatic but unless its not allowed to sit on the surface for several hours its not going to hurt it including lighting it on fire for a minute it or two whether its got OC on it or just wax.

I think OC is a great product but...
I recall watching a tv commercial showing some guy dumping lighter fluid on the hood and lighting it. I think it was for NuFinish.

Very dramatic but unless its not allowed to sit on the surface for several hours its not going to hurt it including lighting it on fire for a minute it or two whether its got OC on it or just wax.

I think OC is a great product but...

I've used 3 ounces of all purpose cleaner in a wash bucket diluted into 4 to 5 gallons and it stripped the wax off a car very well. I would think that 3 ounces straight onto the car (a very small part of the car at that) not diluted at all, would have the same effect on wax.

But then again, I haven't ever tested that, maybe I need to make a follow up video of a few ounces of all purpose cleaner stripping away wax?
I don't understand what I just watched...

The product is permanent and must be polished off...why waste your APC...:dunno:
My man, u need to put CQ to the test now.

Send me some and I will ;)

I don't understand what I just watched...

The product is permanent and must be polished off...why waste your APC...:dunno:

Do you believe everything you read? Because I don't. I also don't believe most of the claims I hear about detailing products until I check it out myself. How do you know that the opticoat must be polished off and can't be removed with APC if you've never tried it.

Well, now I've tried it so others don't have to. I've also never seen a video doing something like this before.

Also, it makes for a good point if in the future someone asks about opticoat durability. Which will happen, no doubt.
I agree with Roshan, i dont believe in it, unless i have had first hand experience with the product....
Take the 3401 for example, everyone claimed it to be the best, no one ever said a bad thing about it, until the rupes came along, i bought it to try it, and ended up selling it for WAY less than its retail price.

But anyways, the better question i have for OC is, did the APC degraded the OC coating in any way?
But anyways, the better question i have for OC is, did the APC degraded the OC coating in any way?

Well I have no way of testing that, but I would say no. I didn't see any change in beading or sheeting that would indicate otherwise.
Great video. Trying and Experimenting with different products is part of the fun with this hobie.
Send me some and I will ;)

Do you believe everything you read? Because I don't. I also don't believe most of the claims I hear about detailing products until I check it out myself. How do you know that the opticoat must be polished off and can't be removed with APC if you've never tried it.

Well, now I've tried it so others don't have to. I've also never seen a video doing something like this before.

Also, it makes for a good point if in the future someone asks about opticoat durability. Which will happen, no doubt.

Scrace, I just reread this and it made me realize I sounded like a jerk. That was not my intention at all. Sometimes, having no inflection in text can really screw up the way words are perceived. Hope you don't take it negatively! :)

Great video. Trying and Experimenting with different products is part of the fun with this hobie.

When I see you dump pure Hydrocloric Acid on the paint, and nothng happens, maybe I'll then be a believer.

I'll happily do this with many traditional type surfaces! Hydrochloric acid is not the beast it is made out to be. It will eat through metals but reactions with organics is rather limited. More than that, it is extremely poor at wetting so will typically run off long before it would do much damage.

The real test is something like paint stripper - I have never seen anyone do this test but I know for fact that such protection is possible.
Scrace, I just reread this and it made me realize I sounded like a jerk. That was not my intention at all. Sometimes, having no inflection in text can really screw up the way words are perceived. Hope you don't take it negatively! :)


I reread my post, and have to say the same about myself, that my post wasn't written very well, I'm sorry.

I think it's hard in such examples that you tested, and documented, to get the full scope, and understanding of what is occuring via video. That a personal witnessing of such protection might be needed to better fully experience the durability of such products.