Sonax Perfect Finish!

I was just looking at that stuff last night (actually about 0130 this morning). I had no idea it wasn't always there. Their polishes looked interesting and I was wondering why they're rarely mentioned here.
It is also 1L. But it does look promising, awesome to AG adding more and more products.
Standing shoulder to shoulder with its Menz counterpart, or above?

Do you mean SF4000?

For that I would really like to do a side by side test between PF and SF4000 broken down with a tape line down the hood. Same tool, pad, etc just different product.

I just picked up a new speedlight for my Nikon last night... This would be a great way to break it in for the forum....
When it comes to product/pad selection, and I'm on the fence, then you and silverfox have been my E.F. Huttons .

Looking forward to future post.
