Faded Exterior Plastic


New member
Jun 23, 2012
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What can be done to make this faded exterior plastic look like new again?

It is located on the lower part of the windshield.

I'm hoping there is something quick and easy to apply and will last in between rain, snow, and maintenance washes.




Clean clean clean, then Wolfgang exterior trim sealant or black wow. are the only two I can attest to.

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That's going to be a tough one. That trim looks to me pretty neglected and "tiger striped". DLux is awesome, but I'm not sure it would fix the "tiger stripes" 100%.

If it was me, and the trim was that bad, and it was a car I wanted to look really nice - I'd see what a new trim piece cost (if available). Maybe it's only a hundred bucks or so - you don't know until you look.

But, to restore the old one, I'd probably try Solution Finish before DLux. Of course you can use numerous dressing type products to make it look great short term, but I assuming you want a longer term fix.

Many have had luck applying Solution Finish and then topping it with DLux. If I were going to do that, I'd apply a few layers of SF a carwash apart, and then apply DLux a carwash apart.

SF tends to restore the black, and DLux will add some gloss and protection.
clean it well and try out GTechniq C4 Permanent Trim Restorer. i have used it plenty of times and it works real good, no greasy feel to it. since it is tiger stripped, im not sure those will all go away