Subaru WRX Hatchback Detail Question


New member
Jun 13, 2014
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I've heard some mixed things when it comes to taping up a WRX before buffing. I will be using a griots 6" with BFTPS/Meg's cleaner wax/Pinnacle XMT 360 (havn't decided which one yet). They say to tape the body lines? Does that mean any body side mouldings? I'm just a bit confused with what they mean by that.

Fyi I work at toyota and they do not supply us with proper detailing accessories.. We just got a 2012 WRX Hatch in on trade and the guy ukered it with swirls. It was my choice to bring in my stuff on a saturday and fix it (i can't let it be seen by customers the way it is) They are not looking for 85%-100% correction, they are just looking to make it more presentable. I understand subaru's have soft paint and it is that dreaded sticky obisdian black -_-. Any hints/tips would be gratefully accepted

thank you,

I have a 2010 wrx hatch so I know all about the soft paint. When I did my car I mostly taped off the black vinyl pieces along the top of the roof, near the windows and the front grill. Other than that any residue can be easily wiped off since you can open the doors and hood. I even went the extra step and taped around the rear and front lights since I hate that white residue but I dont always take that step.
Awesome. Any other tips for all around detailing it? i will be doing the inside that day, possibly another day also
Not sure if you will find what you are looking for in terms of 'tips and tricks' on detailing a Subaru in these write ups, but here are 3 I have done.

They do have very soft paint which corrects very easily, so it is a MUST to start your test spot with the least aggressive combo you have.
Do a test spot and if it is indeed soft black paint. Then figure out what combo works best in your testing phase.

I've found that decreasing the speed of my Rupes to the lowest setting and applying little to no pressure was necessary for this particular paint I had to work on.

I've also found that all paints are indeed different and figuring out your process first will get you to the end faster with better results. Since you won't have to go back and re do the work.

and I like to tape up any trim or moldings so I don't have to go back and clean the area if any residue got left behind.

Finally, as far as getting residue stuck in between doors or fender/hood gaps. I've found that starting your polishing area away from the gap area and then working towards that area by spreading the product that way helps prevent having residue or splatter stuck in between those gaps or you can apply tape there too. Either or I've found works.
...They do have very soft paint which corrects very easily, so it is a MUST to start your test spot with the least aggressive combo you have. /QUOTE]

Spot on!

To add, I have (actually, 'she') has a black Subby...It is a dream to work on. M205 (even Meguiars Ult Polish) can make 'that black' glisten.

Just my 2¢...
