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  • Hi Lawrence, Your inbox was full, so I thought I would try posting here.

    I posted a question to the forum; received feedback, however still uncertain how to proceed.

    The issue is in regards to DA haze after my final polishing step using Menzerna SF3800 polish and Rupes white finishing pads. It has me frustrated about how to proceed with the project.

    I came across your thread on correcting a brand new Deep Black Pearl Golf 7 R. My car is also a brand new, 20km's on the clock, Deep Black Pearl Golf 7 R. It has damage from the car cover is was transported under but not nearly as swirled or scratched. I don't know if the paint is hard or soft, or what I should do different. Would you mind sharing your input on the thread that I posted or via pm?

    Thanks for any help you can give me,
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