Bringing some Teflon rims back to life


New member
Apr 2, 2014
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So I been so busy cleaning other cars I don't always have the time to do my own. I removed my rims to change my brakes and rotors and was sick with how they looked. I had these rims for 7 years and they got pretty beat up with break dust(I have a f150 so those who know they throw some crazy dust). I was actually thinking of buying new ones and selling these so I figure why not try and polish it. I wasn't sure if you could polish teflon without damaging it but I didn't care really since I wasn't planning of keeping them. So I tried some test spots and then my detail mindset took over.


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I used 105 then 205 with a terry cloth because the microfiber towel wasn't working as well. Then went back with klasse AIO and used Qtips on the hard to reach areas. Then 2 coats of klasse S/G. I would say I took about 8 hours to wash, polish, and seal 2 rims. I got 2 more to go, hope my fingers don't cramp up on me. I think I'll be keeping them now lol.

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I've been coming to detail forums for over 10 years now, never heard of Teflon coated wheels. Frying pans yes, wheels no. If I knew I would have had that done to mine instead of getting them repainted!
They are the American racing ATX series and they are teflon coated alloys. They made these for people who off road often so cleaning them would be easier.
Maybe cook some eggs on them too. The thought crossed my mind.
They are the American racing ATX series and they are teflon coated alloys. They made these for people who off road often so cleaning them would be easier.
Maybe cook some eggs on them too. The thought crossed my mind.

Why don't you get a Mothers Power Ball?
I do have a power ball and a cone but I use it only for metal. The power ball is good but I can't get in all the tight spots.