1969 Datsun Roadster--Meguiars #7 Treatment


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Jul 3, 2014
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Hey all,

So my younger brother bought a 1969 Datsun Roadster last summer for a STEAL and the paint was a little rough to say the least. Mechanically it's almost perfect, it just needs some aesthetic work. The previous owner had "buffed" it and obviously didn't know what he was doing. The paint isn't in the best shape and being SS and me not knowing how the paint has been treated throughout its life, I decided this would be a good time to try my hand at the famous Mike Philips Meguiars #7 method of paint revitalization. Here was my process:

Wash car with ONR
Clay the car
3 coats of Meg's #7 Show Car Glaze.
1st coat was applied very heavy and sat for 12-14 hours to soak in
2nd coat was also heavy and sat for 10-12 hours to soak in
3rd coat was around 6-8 hours

Here are the results! Overall I'm very happy with how it turned out. The gloss and reflection was restored with no polishing and my brother was thrilled. The color especially became so much more vibrant!

Untitled by Chris Merritt, on Flickr

Untitled by Chris Merritt, on Flickr

Untitled by Chris Merritt, on Flickr

Untitled by Chris Merritt, on Flickr

Untitled by Chris Merritt, on Flickr

Afters and some beauty/side-by-side shots!DSC_0245 by Chris Merritt, on Flickr

DSC_0253 by Chris Merritt, on Flickr

Untitled by Chris Merritt, on Flickr

Before and After
Untitled by Chris Merritt, on Flickr

Glamour Shots!
DSC_0260 by Chris Merritt, on Flickr

DSC_0261 by Chris Merritt, on Flickr

DSC_0262 by Chris Merritt, on Flickr

DSC_0263 by Chris Merritt, on Flickr

DSC_0267 by Chris Merritt, on Flickr

DSC_0273 by Chris Merritt, on Flickr

His seats were cleaned up quickly as well.
DSC_0274 by Chris Merritt, on Flickr

Untitled by Chris Merritt, on Flickr

DSC_0268 by Chris Merritt, on Flickr

Also did some other shine work on his bumpers. Just used CG Metal Shine and a MF.
Untitled by Chris Merritt, on Flickr

Untitled by Chris Merritt, on Flickr

Untitled by Chris Merritt, on Flickr

Untitled by Chris Merritt, on Flickr

Wheels were also done a month or so ago but I'll just leave the pics here. The crevices need some more work when I have time to really take them off and really work on them.
Done with Iron-X
Untitled by Chris Merritt, on Flickr

Untitled by Chris Merritt, on Flickr

Untitled by Chris Merritt, on Flickr
Very nice work and a cool car! Nice job, it looks really good!
Bam! Nice work! :xyxthumbs:

The floor mats are... umm... interesting!
Very nice work and a cool car! Nice job, it looks really good!

Thanks! :dblthumb2: The car is really fun to drive! Peppy and you can kick the rear end out pretty easily. Very cool weekend car for him.

I really wasn't expecting the results that were yielded from this method. I assumed that it would improve the looks but I'm surprised how well it came out.

Bam! Nice work! :xyxthumbs:

The floor mats are... umm... interesting!

Thank you for the kind words! :props:

The car didn't have mats when we picked it up and Grandma had sent us some a while ago that...for obvious reasons we didn't use, so they were tossed in there haha. Nice durable mats but definitely interesting! Get comments on them all the time
Incredible restoration! I love the old Roadsters. I've been trying to convince a friend of mine to let me detail his 1600. Excellent job buddy.
Beautiful car and fantastic job !!!! I love the floor mats :)
Nicely done!!!!

About the mats, 1969 and 'those' mats...Magic Carpet Ride?

Speaking of mats, I'd pull those and drop-in some classic Coco Mats
Incredible restoration! I love the old Roadsters. I've been trying to convince a friend of mine to let me detail his 1600. Excellent job buddy.

It was fun to do with all the curvy panels especially around the headlights. Thank you!

Id have to say that is some fine work there sir! WOW

Wow! Nice save! That old SS looks wet!

Thanks for sharing. :)
Thanks Mike!

Beautiful car and fantastic job !!!! I love the floor mats :)

It's a love or hate thing with the mats haha. They fit the car since it's not a resto job. Just something fun to have!

Nicely done!!!!

About the mats, 1969 and 'those' mats...Magic Carpet Ride?


Haha I can see it

Speaking of mats, I'd pull those and drop-in some classic Coco Mats

The interior needs to be redone so until then they'll probably stay in there. They're functional and a little quirky
Great work like always my friend!

Thank you! Always good to hear from you :xyxthumbs: I do it for the fans haha

On another note, my brother asked me to share this info on the Datsun forum with the other members as he felt it would be good for them to know a way to restore their paint without polishing so I'll be doing a write up there as well. It's all about spreading the knowledge!