A Word To All Waterless and Rinseless Wash Users

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Sep 27, 2015
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A Word To All Waterless and Rinseless Wash Users:

I am seeing a trend of some really bad habits and improper technique with the majority of Waterless and Rinseless wash users.
The damage being done to paint and clear coat is just as bad as any tunnel car wash, and truthfully even worse.
Waterless Wash and Rinseless Wash are not magic products.
They cannot and do not substitute for lack of proper wash methods and techniques.

There is also a difference between detailing a vehicle, and simply washing the vehicle.
If anyone thinks, believes, or guesses that one can simply spray product onto the panels of any vehicle, and just begin to wipe all over the panels as if they are already clean, that is incorrect.
Makes no difference if the vehicle has wax, sealant, or a coating.

You cannot simply spray on product to a dirty panel, and just wipe all over.
You will add scratches into the clear coat, paint, wax, sealant, or coating.

Applying product and immediately implementing a wipe all over approach is the same thing as using a bucket of soap and water, and using the same rag to wash down every panel, glass, wheel well, wheel, and tire.
The same damages to the panel surfaces will result.

For all those using Waterless Wash and/or Rinseless Wash, please fully educate yourself on what you are doing, before doing it.
And for all those who have recently discovered spray waxes for the first time, for the love of humanity, please stop calling yourself a professional detailer.
Who are you directing this message to? If it's to your customers, fine, but I think we forum members are pretty hip to this, considering the hundreds of threads on waterless and rinseless washing, particularly the tutorials provided by Mike Phillips.

I'm just not really sure where you are going with this and similar threads you have been posting.
I respectfully disagree with you. A knowledgeable and meticulous individual can safely wash and clean his/her car with a rinseless wash. In carefully selected cases, so can a waterless wash.

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So what do I do with my rinseless and waterless washes ?!?!?!?!
I like the one Nick does, when talking about the new Mit. I trust is knowledge, that following his lead I won't, have a problem.
I get what the OP is saying... He is not saying waterless or rinseless is bad, but that you still need to be very careful and gently wash the vehicle... at least thats what I got out of it...
I get what the OP is saying... He is not saying waterless or rinseless is bad, but that you still need to be very careful and gently wash the vehicle... at least thats what I got out of it...

A Word To All Waterless and Rinseless Wash Users:

I am seeing a trend of some really bad habits and improper technique with the majority of Waterless and Rinseless wash users.

Don't think so. First line "majority of....."

...but seriously, I've been using rinseless washes since I joined this forum and waterless washes for about a year. In that time I have never damaged my car or anyone elses. Its true about technique for sure, here's what I do. When my panel is sprayed on I make a swipe with my edgeless, plush mf towel and inspect it when done. In most cases there is a line of dirt that has been collected on the edgeless, plush mf towel and I then roll the towel over to make another swipe but only using/showing the remaining clean face, I repeat until the square is done.

I should also say that I had a Honda when I joined this forum, brand new 2011 Honda CR-Z and as anyone who's in the know knows how soft the paint is and I never damaged the paint on that car, infact I never put a wheel of any kind on that car and no swirls. I know this is hard to believe but I'm here to tell you its all true:cruisin:
I have a different take on this than most people. Also, I've never had a problem with any type of scratching or marring.

I say it doesn't matter if you use rinseless, waterless, or regular soap.

I also say it doesn't matter which mitt/media you use to wash your car - except maybe a nylon brush or something stoopid like that. As long as it's a quality mitt - it's fine.

The only two things that matter are:

1. How much dirt you remove off the paint before touching it. This is best accomplished by pressure washing the car before touching it. Since "rinsing" the car before you touch it is part of the 2BM, it's usually considered "safer" than wiping dirt off a panel.

2. Technique.
Appeared to be directed at us. With bold type no less.........

Ron, you had better stop using spray waxes and calling yourself a pro detailer.:laughing:

"And for all those who have recently discovered spray waxes for the first time, for the love of humanity, please stop calling yourself a professional detailer."
I only rinseless wash my weekend car and have now for almost 4 years

It's in pretty darn good shape



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