Detail Fest 2012 Photos

Time to add a kegerator to the sky cave?

Im the MAN

Now we are talking Bill!

Thanks for sharing Corey that's the one thing we forgot to do was take a lot of pictures glad you and Bill did I don't even have any pictures of the bar we set up behind Skybaby or the empty containers lol .

Yes, next year I will be fully dedicated to more photos Adam!
That was some smooth Vodker you brought for the party! thanks bud Im the MAN

Also thank Ann once again for being amazing and making hundreds of cookies and banana bread!
Congrats man, you deserved Best of Show with all the work you put into it. I'm glad I was able to get a 2nd place Best Paint trophy.
Congratulations to you as well!! Great work! And thank you!!
Ok, lets get this move on. I am packing for the trip tonight. Let me know the address of the new digs. :dblthumb2:

Great pics CEEDOG :dblthumb2:

Why thank you SeeJay for the invite :laughing: I'm with Porsche Pilot, packing my bags as we speak :).

Well then what am I waiting for! Let me pack my bags. We can just sleep on the beach. And detail cars to get money to eat and drink. :buffing:
Congrats Corey, I could tell by the pictures of the prep work you were doing to Skybaby that she was going to do very well. Good luck with future Detail Fests, I know you are going to win many more.
