Geist Leather 3 Plus Care Kit


Sep 1, 2016
Reaction score
So far, I've used the cleaner. It truly is outstanding. I used it on six year old perforated seats. Could not have had a better experience. Spray it on a brush, work it in. Do the same for another seat, go back to the first seat and wipe it off with a microfiber towel. Easy on, easy off. Restored the factory finish, matte, non-greasy. I'll do the other two steps this weekend.
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the whole system.

With picking up the “new” car I’ve been considering going in on some new leather treatment stuff, and the Geist kit caught my eye.

I’ve been torn on it it’s worth it though knowing it’s highly likely my car is just leather centers with leather-like everywhere else.
One day when I am out of my current assortment of products, I would like to try them!

Appreciate the review and look forward to the next steps!
Well, joined the Geist club. Also picked up the 3+ kit.

So far just did a quick pass on a spot on the back seat - previous owner must have gotten some kind of ink or something on the rear seatback. There was an inch-and-a-half line that hadn't gone away when I did my initial cleaning after purchase (Tried Griot's odor removing leather cleaner. Didn't get that out, but very happy with it everywhere else).

Sprayed some of the cleaner into the provided brush, scrubbed in and allowed it to dwell. Took a few rounds, but all but a tiny spec of it out that's deep in the grain. Don't wanna risk marring the surface chasing it, so we'll call 98% a win.

The brush provided with the kit is a little more aggressive than my brain would go to for leather, but seems fine for seats. Don't think I'd use it on more delicate surfaces like a steering wheel or shifter.

Looking forward to working through the rest of the kit.
Well, joined the Geist club. Also picked up the 3+ kit.

So far just did a quick pass on a spot on the back seat - previous owner must have gotten some kind of ink or something on the rear seatback. There was an inch-and-a-half line that hadn't gone away when I did my initial cleaning after purchase (Tried Griot's odor removing leather cleaner. Didn't get that out, but very happy with it everywhere else).

Sprayed some of the cleaner into the provided brush, scrubbed in and allowed it to dwell. Took a few rounds, but all but a tiny spec of it out that's deep in the grain. Don't wanna risk marring the surface chasing it, so we'll call 98% a win.

The brush provided with the kit is a little more aggressive than my brain would go to for leather, but seems fine for seats. Don't think I'd use it on more delicate surfaces like a steering wheel or shifter.

Looking forward to working through the rest of the kit.

The ColorLock brush has a similar firm bristle. For some reason, this seems to be the sweet spot. But yes, takes a bit to get your head around.