what's your weather currently like?

I saw about the quake on the news. Never in all my years in Jersey did I feel one

Everything okay there? I hope nothing more than a few fallen objects

We had one some years ago, apparently 2011. No big deal, by the time I figured out what it was, it was over. So 2 so far, you're right Bill, we never had one when you lived up here. We had an aftershock yesterday afternoon.

Chilly, no, we don't have them here. People seem more freaked out by this one than the last one, that one in 2011 was in the DC area, so we were pretty far away, the epicenter of this one was actually in NJ. The frequency of this one felt different, if that makes any sense, perhaps due to the proximity.

Australia is not known for earthquakes, but we had a biggish one back in December 1989. It hit near Newcastle, on the east coast, about 15 miles from where I live now. But I lived in Sydney back then, I was at work that day and we felt it, about 80 miles away, we were inside a concrete building at the time, we heard it shake, along with all of the light fittings. Half the staff sprinted outside, the rest of us wandered out slowly wondering what all the excitement was about, we all thought it was pretty cool. Later on we heard 13 people had died in Newcastle. It was a 5.6 that hit at a depth of 7.1 miles.

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The NJ quake was a 4.8. I was either in my car or standing outside at the time. I didn't even notice it.

We get quakes constantly and most people just learn to ignore them unless they rattle your house, but some folks just can't handle it and they leave

The 7.5 quake in November of 2018 was pretty destructive but nobody died

A lot of houses built during the pipeline boom sustained more damage than houses built before the great quake of 1964 or those built after the pipeline frenzy

Contractors from the lower 48 came up here and threw up thousands of houses built to lower 48 specs and the suffered all out of proportion to houses built to the Alaska standard

It was like gold rush mentality and so many houses were built in areas or communities that didn't really have building inspection practices in place

I am going to switch to my phone after I post this and add some pictures from the 2018 quake


This is getting OLD. RAIN Next 3 days and beyond that. Might be a window Monday afternoon to cut grass and wash the truck.
We've had rain every day for the last week, and it's predicted every day for the next. We've had at least an inch or two every day, it's very soggy here at the moment, I'm discovering which of my old shoes are no longer waterproof.

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Finally, after more than 2 weeks of rain, we got some blue sky, perfect temp as well 21C/70f.

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Rain and 12C this afternoon, with a feels like temp of 9.8C/50f. Just turned the heater on in the house for the first time this year, and I'm wearing a beanie.

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Well PA is in for a HEATWAVE this week! 90+ days all week plus into next weekend. Cut grass Saturday. I doubt it will grow any this week with the heat. Going to be miserable at work. No ventilation just several fans.
97 and humid right now and projected pretty much the same all week. I grew up mostly in the SE (VA, SC, AL) and other warm climates so I don't get all crazy over it like a lot of folks around here. Ha, meeting up with a bunch of my retired friends Thursday for a White Sox day game - wonder what an actuary would project for a couple dozen seniors tailgating for a few hours in this weather? :laughing:
Here in north central NC, it has been cooler than normal for a June (cooler low humidity mornings) but also little rain in the last couple of weeks. The heat is supposed to get here over the next week.
It's smoking hot here, and miserable. Time to hibernate until October.

We had an wet and cool spring, but then it all went pear-shaped last week. Mid to high 90's with growing humidity which puts the head indexes over 100. I guess summer is here again.
South eastern Australia has had a cold snap for the last week, daytime temps barely over 60 here, and night time temps in the mid 40s. Although the temp when I got up this morning was just on 34. You can drop all those temps by a couple of degrees at least for where DFB is, he's further south and more inland than me.

I leave the back door to the garage open so the dogs can sleep inside on these cool nights, but they usually still end up in their beds in the undercover outside area.

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South eastern Australia has had a cold snap for the last week, daytime temps barely over 60 here, and night time temps in the mid 40s. Although the temp when I got up this morning was just on 34. You can drop all those temps by a couple of degrees at least for where DFB is, he's further south and more inland than me.

I leave the back door to the garage open so the dogs can sleep inside on these cool nights, but they usually still end up in their beds in the undercover outside area.

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We had a -3 deg C (26 deg F) on Wednesday, thankfully my day started with indoor work. On Thursday, the temperature didn't breach 10 deg C (50 deg F), the rain in the afternoon didn't help things either.
Foggy and 47f at 9:30am. Should be fine the rest of the day.

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Working outdoors has its perks, just not on frosty early morning winter starts. My "week" started on Wednesday with -2 (28 f), with each morning afterwards a bitter -1 (30 f) :(

At least the days have been pleasant.
Another cold snap on the way, I just hope it stops raining.

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Humid, with lots of rain on the way. Maybe NASCAR can schedule another disaster of a race in time for the rain again. :D
We are broiling here in the US, and you Aussies are posting about your cold weather. Almost like it's winter there.
Working outdoors has its perks, just not on frosty early morning winter starts. My "week" started on Wednesday with -2 (28 f), with each morning afterwards a bitter -1 (30 f) :(

At least the days have been pleasant.

Took this on Saturday. On average, it's 71°F.
We are broiling here in the US, and you Aussies are posting about your cold weather. Almost like it's winter there.
I was listening to a true crime podcast from the US a while back, they were talking about a crime that happened at a beach in Sydney many years ago, but couldn't understand why families were going to the beach in January to go swimming, they didn't sound like they were joking.

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