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  • Saw your post on the Centennial GS detail, awesome job. I was wondering 2 things from your experience with this particular car:
    1) What did you find worked best for cleaning/clearing light scratches from the flat black racing stripe decals? wishing Chevy wouldn't have gone so cheap and actually used paint, but what can you do...
    2) I was actually bumped the other day in a garage, and am looking for the most effective way to get rid of the paint smudge and light-to-medium scratches on my front nose which were results. Any suggestions?

    Thanks for your help
    Hey Will could you go to the "How to make money detailing" forum and check out my thread on what rig I'm gonna buy. I got a prospective van picks are up on last post. I respect your opinion and would appreciate any input.

    Thank you.
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